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تمائچہ بر رخسار ذاکر نائیک

آپ کوڈاکٹر نالائق کا یزید لعین کے لیے رضی اللہ کہنا یاد ہوگا اور ثبوت میں یہ کہا تھا کہ امام غزالی اور حافظ ابن حجر عسقلانی نے بھی رضی اللہ کہا ہےان پر بھی کفر کا فتوی لگائے اگر مجھ پر لگانا ہے.. تو ہم نے امام غزالی کے متعلق تو اپنے دوسرے تھریڈ میں جواب دے دیا ہے باقی رہا حافظ ابن حجر عسقلانی تو ذاکر نائیک صاحب ہم آپ کو حافظ ابن حجر عسقلانی کی مندرجہ ذیل روایت پڑھنے کا مشورہ دے گئے یعہ ڈیفنس کا ڈاکٹر ذاکرنایئک کے منہ پر تمائچہ یزید اور اسکے حامی امام ابن حجر عسقلانی کی نظر میں اہل ِسنت کے علم الرجال اور صحیح بخاری کی سب سے مشہور شرح لکھنے والے امام ابن حجر عسقلانی نے جو کہا ہے اس کے بعد سپاہ ِیزید اور ذاکرنالائق جیسے نواصب پر حیرت ہی ہوتی ہے۔ وہ اپنی کتاب 'الامتاع باالاربعین' ص 96 پر تحریر کرتے ہیں: وأما المحبة فيه والرفع من شأنه فلا تقع إلا من مبتدع فاسد الاعتقاد فإنه كان فيه من الصفات ما يقتضي سلب الإيمان یزید سے محبت اور اس کی ثناء سوائے فاسد العقیدہ شخص کے کوئی اور نہیں کرسکتا کیونکہ یزید کی صفات ہی ایسی تھیں کہ اس سے محبت کرنے والے سلب الایمان ہونے

حسین تم نہیں رہے

حسین تم نہیں رہے تمہارا گھر نہیں رہا مگر تمہارے بعد ظالموں کا ڈر نہیں رہا مدعینہ و نجف سے کربلا تک ایک سلسلہ ادھر جو آ گیا وہ پھر اِدھر اُدھر نہیں رہا صدائے استغاہء حسین کے جواب میں جو حرف بھی رقم ہوا وہ بے اثر نہیں رہا صفیں جمیں تو کربلا میں بات کھل کے آگئ کوئ بھی حیلہء نفاق کارگر نہیں رہا بس ایک نام---اُنکا نام اور اُن کی نسبتیں جز انکے پھر کسی کا دھیان عمر بھر نہیں رہا کوئ بھی ہو کسی طرف کا ہو کسی نسب کا ہو جو تم سے منحرف ہوا وہ معتبر نہیں رہا

The Historical City of Karbala

1 Definition of the City: Kar'bala is a famous Islamic city before Islam with a long period. The city is also distinguished with its holiness, full history, great things and incidents, whereas the land witnessed one of the most noble martyrdom features and sacrifice, that is immortal incident of Taf ( battle of Kar'bala). 2- The Location of the City: Kar'bala locates 105 kilometers far from the southwest of the capital city of Baghdad, on the desert shore of the western part of Furat and at right side of Husainiya creek. The city also locates on the longitude of 44 degree and 40 minutes as well as on the latitude of 33 degree and 31 minutes, it has a border with Al-Anbar province at the northern part. As it also has a border at south part with Najaf province, and at the east with Hilla province and part of Baghdad province, while it also has border with Syrian Desert and lands of kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3- Founding of the City : The Histor

Muharram & Martyrdom of Imam Hussein ( AS)

Muharram is the most important Shia mourning ceremony and commemorates the death of Imam Hussein. Following the Prophet Mohammads death, upheavals and rivalries divided the Muslim community. After the assassination of Ali, prophets son-in-law and cousin, Muawiya became the uncontested leader. Alis eldest son, Hassan did not have enough support to effectively oppose the new caliph. He made peace and received a handsome pension and lived in Medina where he died under suspicious circumstances. The Shiites believe Muawiya who appointed his son Yazid as his successor poisoned him. Dome of Shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) in Karbala Hussein, Alis second son and the third Shiite imam, refused to swear allegiance to Yazid. He was killed in the battle of Karbala and his martyrdom on the 10th of Muharram in 680 AD has become the most important communal ritual and mourning rite for the Shiites. These people believe in the imam as the true leader of the faithful and the

Imam Hussain (A.S.) is the Beloved of Allah (SWT)

During the reign of Mutawakkil, Imam Ali al-Naqi (A.S.) felt very ill for some time; the Imam knew his cure would be in the pilgrimage to the shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S.). Thereupon he asked his companions to select a group of people and send them to Karbala at the Imam's expense. There the selected group would pray for the Imam and ask Allah (SWT) for his health to return. Companions of Imam Ali al-Naqi (A.S.) discussed the matter with each other and returned to the Imam saying: "O son of Allah's messenger! Your status is better than that of Karbala's, because you are the Imam of the time, Allah's live deputy, and the best of mankind on earth. Your prayer is certainly answered. How will our prayer in Karbala have any affect upon you?" The Imam calmly replied: "There are positions for Allah in the matter, in that He prefers for worship to be done there. Although the status of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) was higher than the

Why does the ahlul sunnah wa jamaah vigrously defend the reign of yazeed?

This is one of those question that automatically come to mind when one analyses the character of Yazeed. The reason lies in aqeedah, and goes to heart of where the Sunni / Shia viewpoint diverge. The core difference between the two schools is on the topic of Imamate: who has the right to lead the ummah. Shia muslims believe that this leadership is religious guidance and hence the appointment is the sole right of Allah, for He knows what is best for his servant and He shall appoint the man best suited / most superior to lead teh Ummah through all times. Allah will select Imam who is best in character, most excelled on the components of Deen, who shall only rule via justice. There is no need for ijma, or votes since Allah appointsand no one has a voice in the matter. The Ahlul Sunnah believe that appointment of Imam is a duty of Public - the decide on who come to power. The importance in relation to appointment is the act of giving bayya - once the Khalifa received ijma

Did Imam Hussein (A.S) Know He Would Be killed?

A sunni brother mentioned: Imam Hussein (A.S) was truthful in his determination to change the munkar, but he was adviced by the likes of Ibn Abbas and Ibn Umar that he was overoptimistic with the people of Iraq and their help. Hussein, being a human who is not ma3soom like the prophets, exercised his Ijtihad. Based on what is even reported by the Sunnis, Imam Hussein knew that he will be killed in Ashura in Karbala, and yet he went forward. Not only Imam Hussein, but also all the Prophets of God knew about the detail of this catastrophe. From Adam, to Noah, to Moses, to Zakariyya, to Yahya (John), to Muhammad, all cried for Imam Hussein (A.S) and remembered him on the day of Ashura. Imam Hussein, before he leaves Medina, saw the Messenger of Allah in dream who told him: "Verily Allah willed to see you martyred. Verily Allah willed to see your family captives" He knew that he will be killed where and how. There was no error in his part or what you ca

The Sunni and Western Point of View towards Imam Hussein and His Battle

The Sunni Point of View towards Imam Hussein and Mourning for Him All Sunni scholars have reproached what Yazid did, and they give the right to Imam Hussein. They have no problem with mourning for Imam Hussein. What differentiates them from Shiites in this matter, is the different ways they have for mourning for Imam Hussein. The difference is that, Shiites hold this ceremony very seriously, but Sunnis have a more casual attitude towards it. There are four different schools of thought among Sunnis; Hanafi School, Maliki School, Shafi'i school, and Hanbali School. People belonging to all four sects care a lot about the love of Prophet Muhammad, and as Prophet Muhammad said in a Hadith that was his friend the one who was friends with Hussein and was his enemy the one who was the enemy of Hussein, they all have a good relationship with Imam Hussein. There are many sayings by the scholars of each of these four sects that support Imam Husseins battle of Karbala and repro

امام حسین کی مکہ کی طرف روانگی

جرت رسول اکرم سے ہجرت کا آغاز ہوا لیکن امام حسین -کی حرکت و سفر سے اسلام کی اصلاح و رتبدیلی کے ایک نئے باب اور تاریخ کا آغاز ہوا ہے۔ امام حسین کے اس سفر کا مقصد امت ِمحمدی کی اصلاح تھا۔ آپ محمد ابن حنفیہ کو اپنی وصیت تحریری طور پر لکھ کر دیتے ہیں تاکہ رہتی دنیا میں حسین ابن علی کی یہ وصیت باقی رہ جائے اور من مانی کرنے والے ،کربلا کے من گھڑت مقاصد بیان کرنے والے اور خواہشات نفسانی کی پیرو ی کرنے والے افراد کو منہ توڑ جواب دیا جائے کہ حسین ابن علی نے کس وجہ سے سفر کیا تھا: ''انماخرجت لطلب الاصلاح فی امۃ جدی،ارید ان آمر بالمعروف و انہی عن المنکر'' ''میں تو صرف اس لےے نکل رہا ہو ں کہ اپنے نانا محمد رسول اللہ کی امت کی اصلاح کیلئے کوئی قد م اٹھاسکوں ،میں اپنے سفر سے چاہتا ہوں کہ لوگوں کو اچھائی اور نیکیوں کا حکم دوں اور بری باتوں سے روکوں۔'' امام حسین -کے اس جملے سے جو تربیتی نکات ملتے ہیںوہ مندرجہ ذیل ہیں: معصوم امام بھی اپنی شرعی ذمہ داری کی ادائیگی کیلئے عمل انجام دیتا ہے اورعملی اقدامات کرتا ہے۔ معصوم امام کا مقصد صرف اور صرف اصلاح امت تھا۔

Why we Cry ?

I Take Refuge In Allah From The Stoned Satan. In Name Of Allah The Source Of Mercy To All Of Creation; The Source Of The Mercy To The Believing Congregation. Oh Allah Bless Muhammads Soul, And Rain Down Peace on His Household. Why We Cry Dont think our cries are too extreme. Theres good reason for grown men to scream. Our actions arent of those insane, we weep in zikr (remembrance) of Hussein. When the guilty kills the innocent to usurp Islamic Government, Should not a Muslim cry in pain? Hussein! Hussein! Hussein! Hussein! Reflect on Husseins flawless fame. Reflect on Yazeed, steeped in shame. Shall not the heart be pierced by woe when the Khalif is Al-Islams foe? Oh what a dark, sad thought to bear, It breaks the heart, moves joy to tear. Thats why our tears fall down like rain. Hussein! Hussein! Hussein! Hussein! A heart of stones too hard to cry. A mind thats closed wont wonder why. A foolish man is deaf and blind. A coward always stays in line. But a soul that pros

The Dust Of Karbala Is A Cure For Every Disease

The mud/dust found in the city of Karbala has some extraordinary value, in that it is a cure for every illness and a source of Barakah (blessing) and Divine mercy. As Shi'ee, we believe that the most perfect method of prostration is to place ones head upon the earth or anything natural created by Allah (swt) (excluding that which can be worn or eaten) as opposed to something like man-made carpets. According to the school of the Ahlulbayt (a.s) it is not compulsory to do prostration on the soil of Karbala however it is highly recommended. We shall now demonstrate some examples wherein the Turbah was used as a source of prostration and healing. Ibn Taymiyyah: He was asked about unfolding the prayer carpet in the Prophetic Rawdah. It is not allowed for anyone to spread his prayer carpet or anything related to him during his absence. This is a violation of the regulations of this area and prohibition for Muslims to apply the orders of Allah the Highest a

Prophet (saw) Wailing For Imam Hussain (a.s) And The Significance Of The Soil From Karbala

Al-Busayri: Narrated Umm Salamah, who said: 'The Prophet (saw) was asleep one night in his house. Hussain (a.s) approached towards the Messenger of Allah (saw), so I stood by the door and held him in fear that he would wake Allah (swt) Apostle. I got distracted by something, he ran in and sat on the Prophet (saw) stomach.  I (narrator) heard the Prophet of Allah (swt) wailing.'  I said to him, 'I did not notice when he came in.' He (saw) said, 'Angel Jibreel came to me while he (Hussain) was sitting on my stomach and asked, 'Do you love him?' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Your Ummah (nation) will kill him.' Whose nation I (saw) asked? Angel replied, 'The nation of Islam.' Then he continued,  'Do you want me to show you the earth on which he will get martyred?' The angel flapped his wings and brought me this earth. I (Umm Salamah) witnessed in his hand was some red earth, and he was crying.  Then Allah (swt) Apostle

Prophet (saw) Grieves And Informs Others Concerning The Death Of Imam Hussain (a.s)

Ibn Kathir: Imam Ahmad said, 'Abdul Rahman and Iffan narrated to us from Hammad ibn Salamah from Ammar ibn Abi Ammar from  Ibn Abbas: 'I saw the Prophet (saw) in a dream, in the middle of the day and he was disheveled and covered with dust.' He was holding a container full of blood!'  I said, 'May my parents be sacrificed for you O Apostle of Allah (swt)! What is this?!'  He saw (saw) replied, 'This is the blood of Hussain (a.s) and his companions. I am still collecting the blood since the start of that day.'  Ammar (narrator) said: 'We memorised that day (of the dream) and we found that indeed Hussain died on the day of Ashura (i.e. 10th of Muharram).' Ibn Kathir:   It's chain is strong. Footnote:   It's chain is (rather) Saheeh (Authentic). A similiar narration exists with a different chain on the authority of Ibn Abbas who said: I woke up from this dream and said: 'By Allah (swt), Hussain has been killed! By Allah

War and Peace in Islam

We are here in this spiritual gathering today to commemorate two great occasions; the passing away of the most noble creature of God, the Holy Prophet of Islam (saww), and the martyrdom of the second infallible Imam, the first grandson of the Prophet; Imam Hasan (a.s.). The topic I am going to deal with today is Peace and War in Islam a very controversial issue nowadays. The reason I have chosen this topic is  that unfortunately there is a misunderstanding among some Shiites who dont have enough Islamic education. They assume that Imam Hasan was a man of peace whereas Imam Husain was a man of war. As a result, conservatives praise Imam Hasan and claim to be his followers, while the extremists blame Imam Hasan and accuse him of seeking a comfortable life. Imam Husain, on the other hand, is an extremist for the first group and a role model for the second. According to the second group, armed struggle is the only duty upon every Muslim, he is Yazidian otherwise. This argum

Some Interesting Incidents ( Miracles of Imam Hussain (AS))

Allamah Majlisi quotes in his Tohfatuz Zaereen from Irshadul Quloob and Farhatul Uzza that a virtuous man from Kufa relates that, Once on a rainy night I was seated in the Masjid of Kufa when some people entered the Mosque from the door near the shrine of Muslim bin Aqeel carrying a bier with them. They kept the bier on a mound. One of the persons accompanying the funeral felt asleep. He dreamt that two persons came near the bier, and one said to the other that I will settle his account fast before he is taken to Najaf, because then I will not be able to go near him. The person got up from his dream and narrated it to others who understood the whole situation (that the two men were Munkar and Nakeer who had come to question the dead man), and lifted the bier and proceeded towards Najaf to save the dead man from chastisement and the questioning. Incident - 2 Allamah Behbahani says that once I saw Imam Husain (a.s.) in a dream and asked him, O my Master! Will the one bu

Merits of Ziyarat Ashurah Traditions

There are several merits for reciting the Ziyarat of Imam Hussain especially this celebrated Ziyarat of Ashurah. Some of these are given below. Tradition 1 Alqamah bin Mohammed ibn Hazrami (r.a.) narrates I requested Imam Baqir (a.s.) to teach me a dua that I should recite on the day of Aashoora after the reciting the Ziyaarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) from near his (a.s.) grave or from a distance. Imam (a.s.) replied O Alqamah, whenever you wish to recite the Ziyaarat of Imam Husain (a.s.), you first perform two units of prayers. Then turn towards the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) and while pointing towards it, you first say Salam and then Takbir. Thereafter, you recite this Ziyaarat (Ziyaarate Aashoora). If you do so, then as if you have recited the supplication read by the angels while visiting the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.). Moreover, when you recite this Ziyaarat, then, (a) Allah will increase your grade ten lakh times (b) You will be included among

Baby is Slaughtered

The Slaughter of a Baby Most Revered Ali Asghar (a) ("Banu ke sheerquar ko haftum se pyaas hai") Banu's son has had no water for days His pulse is weak and his mother prays No hope in sight of getting water or milk Helpless, she lingers by his cradle in a daze "Pray tell me, what shall I do now Ya Husain? The baby's eyes now roll back in pain" "Oh Ya Ali, Ya Ali where can I go? I cannot watch my baby suffer so How do I find a way to make him lives Ya Ali he needs water, that I cannot give" " Last night I saw him open his eyes But today he lays still, doesn't move, doesn't cry" Then everyone said, "Lets call the Imam For God's sake somebody, go get the Imam The baby is dying, go tell the Imam His face is blue, his body calm" "Taking Alder's body to lay it to rest The Imam is on his way, with grief beset" His face stained with the blood of His 18 year old The Imam entered, His h

امام حسین علیہ السلام عزت اور شجاعت کا مظہر ہیں

عالمی اسمبلی کے جنرل سیکریٹری نے گزشتہ روز امام حسین علیہ السلام کے یوم ولادت پر ہونے والے ایک جشن میں خطاب کرتے ہوئے امام حسین علیہ السلام کو عزت اور شجاعت کا مظہر قرار دیا۔ حجۃ الاسلام و المسلمین جناب اختری صاحب نے سورہ ھل اتیٰ میں اہلبیت علیہم السلام کی شان میں نازل شدہ آیات کی طرف اشارہ کرتے ہوئے کہا: جبریل امین نے یہ سورہ جو حضرت علی، حضرت فاطمہ، امام حسن اور امام حسین علیہم السلام کی شان میں نازل ہوا پیغمبر اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ پر اتارا۔ یہ سورہ اس وقت نازل ہوا جب اہلبیت(ع) نے تین دن روزے رکھے اور ہر روز افطاری کے وقت اپنا مختصر سا کھانا جو افطاری کے لیے تیار کیا ہوتا تھا فقیر، یتم اور اسیر کو دے دیا اور خود پانی سے افطار کر لیا۔ تیسرے دن اہلبیت(ع) کی اس فداکاری اور جانثاری کے بدلے میں بہشت سے غذا آئی اور اسے سات دن تک تناول کیا۔ خداوند عالم نے اس طریقے سے حضرت علی علیہ السلام اور ان کے گھر والوں کی قدر دانی کی اور پیغمبر اکرم (ص) کے قلب نازنین کو تسلی بخشی۔ انہوں نے امام حسین علیہ السلام کی ایک حدیث بیان کی جس میں آپ نے فرمایا: ’’اگ

The Significance Of Muharram And Centrality Of Imam Hussain

Reference : Note : We do not agree with some of the points mentioned in this post. According to Shia belief, Holy Prophet(sawa) had indeed appointed Hazrat Ali(AS) to lead the Ummah but the muslims preferred others over him. Muharram is one of the most sacred months for Muslims. It is one of the four sanctified months of the year where peace is mandated and conflicts are to be mitigated. The Muslim New Year begins with the month of Muharram. Nov. 25, 2011 was the first day of the year 1433 on the Muslim Lunar Calendar. Indeed the Jewish, Hindu and many other traditions follow the lunar calendar as opposed to the Gregorian calendar. Whether it is Ramadan, Rosh Hashanah or Diwali, it is not on the same day of the calendar every year as the lunar calendar is short by about eleven days. Please hold the temptation to wish a happy new year to Muslims as it is a month of commem

Ashura: How Reflecting on Hussein's Sacrifice Made Me Honest

Reference : Will somebody turn off that alarm?! As my alarm clock rang, feelings of insecurity began to run through my skin. My body turned cold and the hairs on my arm raised as a thought entered my mind -- was my final presentation this morning? "Man. This is 35 percent of my grade," I thought to myself. I quickly ran to my computer to check the syllabus, and to my dismay, I was right. How could this have slipped my mind? I started to draft an email to my professor, and thoughts of Hussein's sacrifice in Karbala began to surface... Long ago, Hussein, a distinguished spiritual leader in Arabia faced an incredible challenge: accept the rule of a wicked tyrant and live, or reject the immoral leadership and be martyred? Hussein was no ordinary cleric. His grandfather, the Prophet of Islam, denoted Hussein as a "Chief of the Youth of Paradise." As a result of

AhlayHadees Questions Answered By Shia Momineen

These questions were asked by Ahlayhadees from a Shias. The attached PDF to the article has detail in urdu language. Which will be translated in English soon. These answers are also based on the following criteria: Most of the questions and topics discussed are commonly debated between Shias and Sunnies. These Questions were answered from the books of Ahlul sunnah. All points are referenced. If any of the reader still has any question in mind or would like to comment, please feel free to contact through this websites with the subject "AhlayHadees Questions Answered By Shia Momineen " in your email.

The Shia of Uthman [Nawasib] killed Imam Hussain (as)

History lifts the lid and exposes the true killers of Imam Hussain (as). On route to Kufa Imam Hussain (as) met Al Farazdaq and asked him about the situation in Kufa, he assessed the matter saying: “The people’s hearts are with you but their swords are with the Banu Ummayya”. Tabari English translation Volume 19 pages 70-71) When the people had swords raised against Imam Hussain (as) there is then no basis to conclude that these individuals were Shi’a, rather they were Nasibi hiding in the midst of the people. As mentioned earlier Shia Aama may have switched sides in light of their assessing the situation at the time, but when it comes to locating those with the blood of Imam Hussain (as) on their hands then another group of the Shia of Uthman were proud that they had committed such a deed, a fact that Nawasib always suppress from their adherents. We have the example of Nafi bin Hilal who entered the battlefield of Karbala, in Imam Hussain (as)’s army declaring: “I

Killers of Imam Husain (a.s.): A Historical Perspective

1. Yazid ibn Muawiyah  Without doubt, the biggest contributor to the shedding of Imam Husain’s (a.s.) blood and its main proponent was Yazid ibn Muawiyah. And that is not exactly surprising when we consider that Yazid is the one who inherited apostasy, tyranny and blasphemy from his father. He was the grandson of Abu Sufyan and the son of Muawiyah. The vicissitudes of time and his father’s political machinations played important roles in pivoting an unlikely Yazid to the highest religious position in the Islamic world. Yazid’s actions and words were unbecoming of a human being, let alone a Caliph of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). His actions were so deplorable that they repelled everyone associated with him. Waaqedi narrates on the authority of Abdullah ibn Hanzalah – who enjoyed the epithet of Ghaseel al-Malaaekah (the one given the ritual bath by the angels) – page 11, ‘I swear by Allah, there came a time when we feared that stones would soon rain down upon us in Yazid’s reign. He

इमाम हुसैन अलैहिस्सलाम के क़ियाम की वजह

हज़रत इमाम हुसैन अलैहिस्सलाम ने अपने ज़माने की हुकूमत के ख़िलाफ़ जो क़ियाम किया, उसकी बहुत सी वजहें हैं। लेकिन हम यहाँ पर उनमें से सिर्फ़ ख़ास ख़ास वजहों का ही ज़िक्र कर रहे हैं। 1-       ख़िलाफ़त पर फ़ासिद लोगों का क़ब्ज़ा उम्मत की इमामत व रहबरी एक पाको पाकीज़ा व इलाही ओहदा है, यह ओहदा हर इंसान के लिए नही है। लिहाज़ा इमाम में ऐसी सिफ़तों का होना ज़रूरी है जो उसे अन्य लोगों से मुमताज़(श्रेष्ठ) बनायें । अक़्ल व रिवायतें इस बात को साबित करती हैं कि इमामत व ख़िलाफ़त का मक़सद समाज से बुराईयों को दूर कर के अदालत (न्याय) को स्थापित करना और लोगों के जीवन को पवित्र बनाना है। यह उसी समय संभव हो सकता है जब इमामत का ओहदा लायक़, आदिल व हक़ परस्त इंसान के पास हो। कोई समाज उसी समय अच्छा व सफ़ल बन सकता है जब उसके ज़िम्मेदार लोग नेक हों। इस बारे में हम आपके सामने दो हदीसे पेश कर रहे हैं। पैग़म्बरे इस्लाम (स.) ने फ़रमाया कि “ दीन को नुक़्सान पहुँचाने वाले तीन लोग हैं, बे अमल आलिम, ज़ालिम व बदकार इमाम और वह जाहिल जो दीन के बारे में अपनी राय दे।” इमाम सादिक़ अलैहिस्सलाम ने