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Ayatullah Khoei |
Here are some of hundreds of Fatawa, or verdicts, by eminent marajay of Shiite World regarding Azadari of Chief of Martyrs:
Grand Ayatullah ash-Sheikh Muhammad Hussain an-Naa’ini
(The teacher of the Marajay of the holy city of Najaf)
“There is no doubt as to the permissibility of the beating of the chest and the face with the hands to the point of redness or blackness (of the chest or the face). This is also extended to the lashing of the shoulders and the back with chains to the extent mentioned (above), and even if this led to bleeding. As for causing the bleeding of the head by sword beating, this is also allowed provided it does not lead to endangering harm, such as unstoppable bleeding or harm to the scull, etc. as it is known amongst the experts in doing this (hitting on the head).”
The above Fatwa by Grand Ayatullah ash-Sheikh Muhammad Hussain an-Naa’ini was endorsed and signed by the following eminent Marajay:
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Mohsen al-Hakim,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad Kaadhem al-Shari’at Madari,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Abd-el-A’la as-Sabzewary,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Abul-Qassim al-Kho’i,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad Ridha al-Gulpaygani,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Ali al-Hussaini as-Seestani,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad Saadiq ar-Rouhani,
Ayatullah al-Udhma al-Mirza Jawaad al-Tabrizi,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Sheikh Hussain al-Waheed al-Khurasani
And many other Maraje’ and eminent scholars…
Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid al-Kho’i
(The former leader of the Hawzah of the holy city of Najaf)
Grand Ayatullah ash-Sheikh Muhammad Hussain an-Naa’ini
(The teacher of the Marajay of the holy city of Najaf)
“There is no doubt as to the permissibility of the beating of the chest and the face with the hands to the point of redness or blackness (of the chest or the face). This is also extended to the lashing of the shoulders and the back with chains to the extent mentioned (above), and even if this led to bleeding. As for causing the bleeding of the head by sword beating, this is also allowed provided it does not lead to endangering harm, such as unstoppable bleeding or harm to the scull, etc. as it is known amongst the experts in doing this (hitting on the head).”
The above Fatwa by Grand Ayatullah ash-Sheikh Muhammad Hussain an-Naa’ini was endorsed and signed by the following eminent Marajay:
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Mohsen al-Hakim,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad Kaadhem al-Shari’at Madari,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Abd-el-A’la as-Sabzewary,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Abul-Qassim al-Kho’i,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad Ridha al-Gulpaygani,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Ali al-Hussaini as-Seestani,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad Saadiq ar-Rouhani,
Ayatullah al-Udhma al-Mirza Jawaad al-Tabrizi,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Sheikh Hussain al-Waheed al-Khurasani
And many other Maraje’ and eminent scholars…
Ayatollah al-Udhma al-Seyyid al-Kho’i
(The former leader of the Hawzah of the holy city of Najaf)
Question: Is there any problem with causing the bleeding of the head – TATBIR – as it is practiced, to express one’s grief about the martyrdom of our Imam Hussain peace be upon him, assuming there is going to be no permanent harm?
Answer: There is no problem with that, given the assumption made in the question, and Allah knows best.
Question: You stated that there is no problem in causing the bleeding of the head – known as TATBIR – if it does not lead to harm. It is said that it is not more than a permissible act, then can TATBIR be MUSTAHAB – desirable – if the intention was the upholding and honouring the Sha’a’er – signs of Allah – and sympathy with the Ahl-ul-Bayt, peace be upon them?
Answer: Most probably Allah Almighty would give thawab – reward (the individual) – for sympathising with the Ahl-ul-Bayt if the intention is sincere.
Grand Ayatullah as-Seyyid ash-Shirazi
Question: Some individuals say that I do not see shedding my tears as enough to express my grief for Imam Hussain (AS), his household and his followers on the day of Ashura. So is hitting myself with sword and injuring myself is allowed?
Answer: The Hussaini Sha’a’er, including TATBIR, are some of the RAAJIH issues. TATBIR is a MUSTAHAB deed, unless it leads to death, loss of limb, or loss of faculties. (RAAJIH means MUSTAHAB that could become WAJIB depending on the circumstances – translator.).Answer: There is no problem with that, given the assumption made in the question, and Allah knows best.
Question: You stated that there is no problem in causing the bleeding of the head – known as TATBIR – if it does not lead to harm. It is said that it is not more than a permissible act, then can TATBIR be MUSTAHAB – desirable – if the intention was the upholding and honouring the Sha’a’er – signs of Allah – and sympathy with the Ahl-ul-Bayt, peace be upon them?
Answer: Most probably Allah Almighty would give thawab – reward (the individual) – for sympathising with the Ahl-ul-Bayt if the intention is sincere.
Grand Ayatullah as-Seyyid ash-Shirazi
Question: Some individuals say that I do not see shedding my tears as enough to express my grief for Imam Hussain (AS), his household and his followers on the day of Ashura. So is hitting myself with sword and injuring myself is allowed?
Question: What is your opinion regarding hitting the head with sword – TATBIR – on the day of Ashura whether or not it harms the individual.
Answer: The most common and widely known opinion of the Fuqaha (scholars) is that the desirability (of TATBIR) is in it not being extremely harmful.
Question: What is your opinion regarding the reports that Lady Zaynab peace be upon her, when she saw the head of her brother Imam Hussain peace be upon him, being paraded in public hit her forehead on the bar of the carriage she was travelling in, causing bleeding to flow from beneath her veil, which was visible to onlookers who witnessed the event?
Answer: Yes that is proven.
{Some of the famous references, which confirm the above report, are as follows:
Bihaar al-Anwaar; volume 45, page 114,
Jalaa’ al-‘Oyun; volume 2, page 238,
Zaynab al-Kubra; page 112,
Asraar ash-Shahadah; page 474,
Al-Muntakhab; volume 2, page 478,
Nusrat-ul-Madhlum; page 18
Needless to say that ‘Allamah al-Majlisi – compiler of Bihaar al-Anwaar – and Sheikh al-Shari’ah al-Isfahani have confirmed the authenticity of the report.}
Ayatullah ash-Sheikh Abdul Kareem al-Ha’ery
(The Founder of the current Hawzah in the holy city of Qum)
“The hitting of swords on the heads (causing bleeding) is alright (allowed) provided there is no harm to the person doing this. Furthermore no one has the right to prohibit this (hitting the head with sword). In fact all kinds of TA’ZIAH – mourning – for SEYYED ASH-SHUHADA’ Imam Hussain may our souls be sacrificed for him, are MUSTAHAB – desirable deeds.”
The above Fatwa by Ayatullah ash-Sheikh Abdul Kareem al-Ha’ery was endorsed and signed by the following eminent Marajay:
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Sheikh Muhammad al-Araki,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad Ridha al-Gulpaygani,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Shahab-el-Deen al-Mar’ashi al-Najafi,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Hassan al-Tabataba’e al-Qummi,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad al-Waheedi,
Ayatullah al-Udhma al-Mirza Jawaad al-Tabrizi,
Ayatullah al-Udhma as-Seyyid Muhammad Saadiq al-Rouhani,
Ayatullah al-Udhma Muhammad Mahdi al-Lankaroudi
And many other Marajay and eminent scholars …
Grand Ayatullah Abul Hassan Asfahani
Grand Ayatullah Abul Hassan Asfahani is that greatly respected and honoured figure who was once asked by some muqasereen type people to give Fatwa (verdict) saying that mourners have crossed the limits in performing Azadari-e-Madhloom (perhaps they mean hitting back and shoulders with razors and head with swords).
On this the Ayatullah said: Az Madar-e-Hussain mee tarsem (I fear Hussain’s mother). This matter is between Hussain and his mourners.
(This event and these words have been heard by Ulama-e-Karam and it is the talk of town).
Grand Ayatullah as-Seyyid as-Seestani
(The current leader of the Hawzah of the holy city of Najaf)
Question: What is the ruling regarding the lashing with chains, chest beating, and walking on fire on the occasion of mourning the martyrdom of Imam Hussain peace be upon him?
Answer: If (these are) not associated with extreme harm or loss of limb, there is no objection.
Question: What is the ruling regarding wearing black, and chest beating when commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussain peace be upon him, as well as other infallible Imams peace be upon them?
Answer: This is permissible, and in fact this is regarded as one of the best means of seeking nearness to Allah, since it is upholding and honouring the Sha’a’er of Allah Almighty. [This is a reference to the Qur’anic Ayah 22:32. – translator.]
For more verdicts visit: www.tnfj.org.pk
Extracted from : http://www.jafariyanews.com/articles/2k4/28feb_azadariverdicts.htm
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