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Imam Hussain (a.s.) v/s Yazeed ( lanati)

Tareekh e Kamil Volume 4 page 63:
"Ibn Abbas replied a letter of Yazeed saying 'I can never forget the fact that you forced the grandson of the Prophet (s) to leave Madeena and seek refuge in Makka, you sent soldiers on horses in his direction to disturb him, so you forced him to make his way towards Iraq, he left Makka through fear

Imam Hussain as said
By Allah! I will prefer to be murdered a step outside Makkah than to be murdered inside Makkah even its one step inside Makkah".
1. Tareekh Tabari, Volume 6 page 27
2. Tareekh Kamil, Volume 4 page 16
this means people were after him when he went to makkah even if he would have stayed there yazid people would have klled him there

al Bidayah Volume 8 page 231
RasoolAllah  said
Justice shall rule my Ummah until the first individual who shall destroy my Deen, from the Banu Ummayaa his name shall be Yazeed.

This was revenge of Yazid for what Ali as killed his ancestors in Badr
al Bidayah Volume 8 page 204:
Ibn Asakir in his history book states. When Husayn's head was brought before Yazeed, he recited the couplets of Ibn Zubayri: 'I wish my ancestors of Badr were here to see the fright of al-Khazraj (tribe) as the spears hit.

"It is already mentioned that he (Yazeed) killed al-Hussain and his companions through Ubaidullah bin Zyad"  
Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8 page 243

Ibne khaldoon writes this
Al-Muqadima by Ibn Khaldun, page 254:
It is impermissible to support Yazeed in the matter of killing Hussain, nay (Hussain's) murder is Yazeed's deed that proves him to be a Fasiq and Hussain a martyr.

we see in this book written against shias by shah mohaddis dehalvi even he didnt deny that Yazid ordered the killing of imam as
The cruel people of Syria and Iraq upon orders of impure Yazeed and due to the efforts of chief of hatred and fitnah of Ibn Ziyad martyred Imam Hussain..
Tauhfa Ithna Ashari (Urdu), page 8 Published in Karachi

Tarikh Kamil, Volume 4 page 112:
He (Yazeed) wrote to Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad ordering him to march towards Madina and surround Ibn Zubayr in Makka. He (Ibn ziyad) replied: 'I can't give both these things to this Fasiq, after killing the grandson of Rasulullah (s)

Imam Dhahabi records in Siar Alam al-Nubala, Volume 3 page 305:
Muhammad bin al-Dahak narrated from his father that he said: When Hussain marched, Yazeed wrote to his governor Ibn Ziyad saying: Hussain is marching to Kufa and he is a problem of your time not of other times, your state not of other states and you not for the other governors. At that time you might be free or be slaved. Therefore Ibn Ziad killed him and sent his head to him (Yazeed).

Yazid was hateful of Imam Ali a. s.,He was arrogant, insolent, wine-libber and sinful. He initiated his kingship by murdering Husayn, and he sealed it with the incident of Harra. People hated him and he was not graced with a long life
He also writes about the comments made by the Head of this delegation, Mundhir bin Zubair, upon his return from Basra, where he had gone to meet his friend,  Yazid consumes so much intoxicants that he misses prayers! 
Shadharaatudh Dhahab by imam dhabi chapter 3 pag 69

 Bidaya wa nihaya same chapter 4 page number 216
Ibn Kathir writes about the delegation, comprising three citizens of Madina, going to Yazid. He says: When they returned to Madina, they made public their grave findings pertaining to Yazids perversities. They said: We are returning from that person who is irreligious, who is a wine-bibber and who is surrounded by singing girls, entertaining him with music.

 Ibne kathir writes in bidaya wa nihaya chapter four page 235 236
Yazid was notorious for his love of music and liquors his illicit friendship with singing boys and girls There was not a single day that he woke up not intoxicated
