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Imam Husain (A.S) in Karbala

The 2nd of Muharram  - Arrival of Imam Hussain(a.s.) and his family and friends in Karbala .

It was the 8th of ZilHijjah when Imam Hussain(a.s.) converted his Hajj plan into Umra and left Makkah just two days before the Hajj. He is the first haji to do so in the history of Islam. He took along most members of his immediate family and some steadfast friends and set off for Iraq in order to avoid bloodshed in the Holy city of Makkah .

On his way, he was confronted by one of the Lieutenants of Yazeed named Hur along with his army. Hur asked Imam(a.s.) to abandon his plan to go to Kufa and that he should accept the Caliphate of Yazeed or could opt to go to some other place which is outside the Caliphate of Yazeed. Imam(a.s.) told him not to demand the acceptance of Caliphate of Yazeed since it was not possible and because Yazeed was a usurper and wanted to destroy the face of Islam.

Imam Hussain(a.s.) started traveling again along with his family members and companions. Hur and his soldiers accompanied them in order to make sure that they do not head towards and arrive in Kufa. On the 2nd of Muharram, this group arrived at a place where Imam(a.s.) picked up some sand and smelt it and after smelling inquired from the local inhabitants as to what was the name of this place. Some people said it was called NAINAWA, some said it was called GHAZARIYA and then a group of old men mentioned that it was also called KARBALA .

On hearing this, Imam(a.s.) ordered his men to stop and camp there and then said “This is the place about which I was mentioned by my grandfather and my father. We will stay here and our blood will be spilt here and our women and children will be made captive here.”  He then pointed out to various places and indicated that “My son Ali Akbar will be killed here, my nephew Qasim will be killed over there and my brother Abbas will be killed here close by the river and at the end, I will be slaughtered here”. The womenfolk and children of Imam(a.s.) were also listening to this sermon and finally when Imam(a.s.) said “... and my son Ali Asghar will be killed by a spear over here....” his daughter Sakina(a.s.) said “O my father, will the tyrants enter our camps” Imam(a.s.) replied “not until I am alive, I will carry Ali Asghar myslef into the battle field”.

The 3rd of Muharram - Start of gathering of the army of Yazid(laeen) in Karbala.

From the 3rd of Muharram troops of Umar ibn-e-Saad(la) started gathering in Karbala to fight Imam Hussain(a.s.) and his handful companions on the direct orders and direction of Yazeed ibn-e-Muawiya(laeen). The troops came in large numbers and started settling around the river Euphrates (Nehr-e-Furat). Ibn-e-Ziyad continued sending troops from Kufa and some troops were also sent directly by Yazid(laeen) from Syria. According to historical counts the total Yazid army was between 30,000 and 120,000 men. This strong army against a handful (between 72 and 200) people – including men and women – shows the level of fear that Yazeed(laeen) and ibn-e-Ziyad(la) had from Imam Hussain(a.s.).

From the 3rd until the 7th of Muharram troops kept on arriving and the children of Imam Hussain(a.s.) camp were frightened by the thunderous noise of the horses and soldiers. The womenfolk and children kept on asking on every arrival if they came as the helpers of Imam Hussain(a.s.) and always the answer was a heartbreaking NO. This continuously added to the fright of children and womenfolk. Finally on the day of Ashura (10th Muharram), there arrived some help for Imam Hussain(a.s.) as well - a group of 3 people – Hur, his son and his slave – and then an old and trusted friend of Imam Hussain(a.s.) named Habib ibn-e-Mazahir(a.s.). Although too little, but their arrival was so heartening for the women and children of the camp that they sent personal greetings and salutations to them and thanked them for coming to the help of Imam and his family.

At this time, the first real confrontation took place between Imam Hussain(a.s.) Umar ibn-e-Saad(la). Umar demanded that Imam Hussain(a.s.) should shift his camp away from the river and taking a strategic step, Imam(a.s.) agreed to move his camps at a distance from the river. This was the time when the water of the river was stopped by force for the family and friends of Imam Hussain(a.s.). They were then using the water that was already stored with them. The elders were not drinking any water, they were giving it to children and womenfolk and the women as well were sacrificing for the children. Finally on the 7th of Muharram all the water they had in store ran out. Now Imam(a.s.), his companions, his womenfolk and children were without water and this situation continued until the 10th of Muharram. Narrators of the event of Karbala state that all these 4 days they kept on hearing the cries of Al-Atash Al-Atash (Oh thirst! Oh thirst) from the children in the Imam(a.s.)’s camp.

 Ala Lanatullahe ala Qaum-az-Zalimeen - May Allah curse the cruel tribe which committed atrocities on the ahl-e-bait(a.s.) of Prophet Mohammad(sawaw)
