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Showing posts from 2014

Mourning ( Azadari ) is not a Bid'at ( Innovation ) - PROVED!!

First Objection:  Martyrdom should be celebrated not mourned!!! REPLY:- Rasulullah(saww) mourned those that were martyred!!                Many companions were martyred in the battles that took place during the time of the Holy Prophet (s) and of course all of them succeeded in their respective examinations. Hamza was named as the Lord of the Martyrs, and hence received a larger but rather than express joy at what his uncle had attained he cried and lamented over him and asked that the women of Quraysh to likewise. 1) Seerat un Nabi, volume 1, page 345. 2) Ma'arij al Nabuwat, Rukn 4, chapter (Bab) 6, page 123 Similarly we have already cited the incident where Holy Prophet (s) wept over the martyrdom of Jaffar Ibn Abi Talib (as). If mourning for a martyr is incorrect than what do Nawasib think about Holy Prophet (s)? The fact of the matter is that Prophet (s) himself gave best reply of the pathetic Nasibi belief for celeberating the martyrdom rather to mourn it.