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असत्य के आगे नहीं झुके ईमाम हुसैन

कर्बला की कहानी मनुष्य की संवेदना को झकझोर देती है। सत्य के पथिक पर जालिमों ने जो कहर ढाया उसकी याद हर मुहर्रम दे जाता है और आंखें आसुओं से नम हो जाती हैं। तपते रेगिस्तान में जालिमों ने सत्य के पथिकों को दो बूंद पानी भी नहीं पीने दिया, यहां तक कि छह माह के बच्चे पर भी जुल्म ढाया। फिर भी सत्य के पथिक इमाम हुसैन इस्लामी कानून के खिलाफ नहीं गए, जालिमों के मंसूबों के आगे झुके नहीं और सत्य पर अडिग रहे। इंसानियत के इतिहास में जुल्मी यजीद का यह कारनामा एक काला अध्याय माना जाता है। लगभग चौदह सौ वर्ष पहले हजरत मुहम्मद साहब के नवासे हजरत ईमाम हुसैन जो मदीने में रह रहे थे उनको माबिया के बेटे यजीद ने अपने मदीना के गर्वनर वलीद को खत के द्वारा आदेश दिया कि ईमाम हुसैन से यजीद के नाम पर बैयत (हाथ पर हाथ देना अथवा धार्मिक अगुआ कबूल करना) ले लें। यजीद जबरदस्ती मुसलमानों का खलीफा बन गया था और अपनी दौलत व फौज की ताकत के आधार पर आम आवाम को पैसा देकर, डरा कर व दबाव बना कर बैयत ले रहा था। अर्थात सबसे मनवा रहा था कि यजीद तमाम मुस्लमानों का खलीफा है और मुस्लमानों के नबी हजरत मुहम्मद साहब का उत्तराधिकारी

Matam ( Self - beating ) of Prophet (SAWA) and his Companions

Hazrat Mohammad(SAWA) ka Matam   Hazrat Hamza's Matam       Hazrat Ayesha's Matam Narrated Abudullah Narrated My father Narrated Yaqoob Narrated My Father From Ibn Ishaq He Said Narrated To Me Yahya Ibn Abbad Ibn Abdilleh Ibn Al-zubair From His Father Abbad He Said I Heard Ayesha Saying: Rasool Allah Died Between My Chest And ThroAt ... So Due To My Young Age And "sufhi" That Rasool Allah Died In My Lap So I Put His Head On A Pillow And Stood Up With Women And Started Doing Iltidam( an arabic word meaning hitting the face and chest ) And Hitting My Face( Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal)  Hazrat Usman Ke Liye Shaamiyon ni Girya Kiya     Khalid Bin Waleed ke Liye Matam Hua !!   Hazrat Owaise Qarni Ka Matam Reference Book : Tazkeratul Auliya bu Shaikh Fariddudin Ataar   Sahaba wore Black cloths on the Martrydom of Usman( Sahaba ne Hazrat Usmaan ke Inteqaal per Kaala( Black) Kapda Pehna)  

Would Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) really want us to punish ourselves for him?!

We do not punish ourselves in any shape or form when we mourn and commemorate the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him). This is an incorrect interpretation of the essence of al-Sha’aer al-Hussainiyah (The mourning rituals of Imam Hussain peace be upon him). When we practice the mourning rituals of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) such as beating the chest (known as, al-Latm or Seeneh-Zani) or wounding the top of the head with a sword (known as, al-Tatbir, Qameh-Zani or Teegh-Zani), we try to recognise and feel some of the pain our master Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) had felt. We were in fact recommended by the pure Infallibles to practice such rituals, as they ordered us to perform ‘Muwasat’ for Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), which means imitating and sharing some of his pain. Similarly, we find that Allah the Most Exalted has made the Muwasat for Lady Hajar (peace be upon her) among the rituals of Hajj and Umra; as all Muslims are ordered to perform

Clarification of the Misconceptions About Azadari (Mourning)

A contemporary scholar Mr Abdul Ghaffar in the daily 'Hindustan' dated 21 June 1993 has raised certain objections about the 'Welcome to Mourning' (Istiqbale Aza). Perhaps his one-sided study might have plunged him into misunderstandings. Hence it became imperative for us to clarify his misgivings. The summary of his objections, based on five premises, which are as follows: Certainly the assassination of Hussain will kindle fire in the hearts of the believers until eternity, which will never extinguish. It is a tradition from the Holy Prophet (S) ? What is the proof of its authenticity ? The mourning of Prophets (A) before Imam Hussain (A) is a meaningless thing. The survival and resilience of Islam is based on its cardinal principles of Namaz, Roza, Hajj etc. Islam thrives on it and not on mourning of Imam Hussain (A). Mourning and self-flagellation for Imam Hussain (A) is forbidden. Mourning and establishing such

The Aims and Objectives of Imam Hussain's Stand

What was the course of Imam Hussain's (A) revolution? What reasons prompted him to initiate such a great and unmatched upspring? Did he intended to overthrow the Yazid regime? Did he wish to end the Umayyid dynasty? These and such other questions keep cropping in the mind and everyone wants to know the satisfactory replies, specially the mourner of Imam Hussain (A) are more eager in this regard. When Imam Hussain (A) was preparing to leave on his longest journey, he bid adieu to the grave of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet (S.AW). Then he wrote a legacy addressing his brother Mohammed Bin Hanafiyyah in which he explained the aims and objectives of his uprising. We are quoting an extract from the same legacy hereunder. He wrote thus: "And surely the aim of my stand is not inspired by vain exultation and it is also not for the quest of kingdom, Neither it is to cause dissension and corruption nor it is to wrong anybody unjustly." These sentences of Imam Hussain

Why would Prophet (SAWA) follow the Sunnah of Jews ???

This is a fabricated hadith from Sahih Bukhari which shows that Prophet (SAWA) ordered people to fast on Ashura (10th Muharrum) because Jews used to fast on that day. !!! Volume 5, Book 58, Number 278 : Narrated by Abu Musa     When the Prophet arrived at Medina, he noticed that some people among the Jews used to respect Ashura' (i.e. 10th of Muharram) and fast on it. The Prophet then said, "We have more right to observe fast on this day." and ordered that fasting should be observed on it. Reference : Why would Prophet (SAWA) follow the Sunnah of Jews ??? People have fabricated this tradition to hide the importance of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS).They wanted to show that the important of Ashura is not due to Martyrdom of  Imam Hussain (AS) but due to the fasting of Jews on that Day. !!!!!

Deobandis Wahabis Yazeed ko Ameer ul Momineen Maante Hai - Proof

शीया मज़हब कब और कहाँ से आया?

कुरआने करीम में अल्लाह तआला फरमाता है : जो तुमको रसूल दे दें उसे ले लो और जिस से मना करे उससे   बाज़ रहो। ( सूरए हशर आयत 7) जिसने रसूल की इताअत की तो उसने अल्लाह की इताअत की। ( सूरए निसा आयत 80) सन 10 हिजरी में रसूलअल्लाह ( स .) ने इन्तेकाल फरमाया। जब आपका आखरी वक्त करीब था तो आपने फरमाया : '' हज़रत इन्बे अब्बास रजि . कहते हैं - जब नबी - ए - करीम ( स .) के दर्द तेज हुआ तो आपने फर्माया , मेरे पास कागज़ लाओ ताकि मैं तुम को ऐसी तहरीर लिख दूँ जिस के बाद तुम गुमराह न हो , हज़रत उमर रजि . बोले हुज़ूर पर दर्द की ज़्यादती है और हमारे पास खुदा की किताब है जो हमारे लिए काफी है , इस पर लोगों में इख्तलाफ़ पैदा हो गया और खूब शोर मचा , आपने ( यह देख कर ) फ़र्माया मेरे पास से चले जाओ , मेरे पास झगड़ा मत करो। '' ( सहीह बुखारी ( तजरीद ), हदीस नं . 90, हिन्दी एडीशन - ऑक्टोबर 2004, फरीद बुक डेपो , दिल्ली ) झगड़ा इस बात पर था कि रसूल - अ