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Yazeed the accursed one - E- book in Arabic

The lovely 'Shaikhs' of nasibi/wahabis Uthman al-Khamis who claimed that they love Ahlu-bait (a.s) wrote Amirilmuminin before the name of Yazid. They have opened a whole chapter in defence of Yazid b. Muawiyah (la) in his false book "Hiqbah min at-Tarikh". And chapter is named:

خلافة أمير المؤمنين يزيد بن معاوية

"The succession of Amirilmuminin Yazid"
And i'd like to inform you that there are many books which refutes the false attacks of al-Khamis and one of this books is Reply to the book Hiqba min at-Tarikh - Radd al-nafis ala abaṭil ‘Uthman al-Khamis 
Dear Arabic Readers Please feel free to read and download the following book :
The second volume of the same book : Yazeed-the accursed one
