
Did Yazeed express sadness at the death of Imam Hussain (as)?

Nasibi Azam Tariq's lies continue as follows:

Azam Tariq stated:

Reply One

The cited report about Yazeed getting upset over the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) is primarily in Tarikh Tabari contain an unknown arrator in its chain. We challenge Nawasib to either prove the authenticity of the narration or shut up and accept that Yazeed was the lead culprit in the murder of Imam Hussain (as).

Reply Two

Tariq's reference that we presume is a crude translation of the text in al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Was only partially translated the actual text that we are quoting from al Bidaya wa al Nihaya Volume 8 page 235 is as follows:
إن يونس بن حبيب الجرمي حدثه قال: لما قتل ابن زياد الحسين ومن معه بعث برؤوسهم إلى يزيد، فسر بقتله أولا وحسنت بذلك منزلة ابن زياد عنده، ثم لم يلبث إلا قليلا حتى ندم

Yunus bin Habib al-Jarmi said: 'When Ibn Ziyad killed Husayn and his companions and sent their heads to Yazeed, he [Yazeed] became happy at the death of him (Husayn) which is why the position of Ibn Ziyad was elevated, but this happiness was only short lived and then he regreted'.

This text confirms that Yazeed was pleased that Imam Husayn (as) had been killed and the rank of his killer Ibn Ziyad had automatically increased in Yazeed's estimation. The happiness being short-lived means that rebellions arose to avenge Husayn (as)'s martyrdom that threatened to destroy Yazeed's khilafat - Madina, Makka and Iraq all rose up against him, which is why he sent his army in to burn the Ka'aba and sack Madina. Nawasib are not horrified by such actions by their khalifa, since they share the doctrine of Al Qaeda that deem it lawful to kill, maim and rape to attains ones objectives. This is as they have no sense of anything being sacred save the remembrance of the Santas. They even reproach other Sunnis for reciting blessings upon the Prophet (saws).

Moreover, in al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Volume 8 page 235 we read that the situation reached a point of embarrassment for Yazeed that he said:
ثم يقول: لعن الله ابن مرجانة فإنه أحرجه واضطره، وقد كان سأله أن يخلي سبيله أو يأتيني أو يكون بثغر من ثغور المسلمين حتى يتوفاه الله، فلم يفعل، بل أبى عليه وقتله، فبغضني بقتله إلى المسلمين، وزرع لي في قلوبهم العداوة، فأبغضني البر والفاجر بما استعظم الناس من قتلي حسينا، مالي ولابن مرجانة قبحه الله وغضب عليه.

'Curse be upon Ibn Marjana [Ibn Ziyad] for he pained Husayn and made him desperate although Husayn had asked him to be allowed to go wherever he wanted to or to come to me or he be allowed to go to the border but Ibn Ziyad rejected this and killed him and it is now due to this, that Muslims shall bear enmity towards me, now every person, good and bad shall bear hatred in their hearts towards me, people shall be shocked at my killing Husayn. I have nothing to do with Murjana's son. May Allah destroy him and reap destruction upon him'.

Carefully analyse the final comments of Yazeed in this regard:

"now every person, good and bad shall bear hatred in their hearts towards me, people shall be shocked at my killing Husayn."

These words clearly prove that the killing of Imam Husayn (as) was upon the orders of Yazeed, and t his act of cursing Ibn Ziyad was in effect a tactical method to cover up his own culpability. These were crocodile tears shed to display false grief as the Ummah now wanted revenge and were blaming Yazeed. Indeed, the Islamic heartlands of Makka, Madina and Kufa were now in open armed rebellion and Yazeed had lost control there.

Ibn Katheer further commented as follows:
وقد لعن ابن زياد على فعله ذلك وشتمه فيما يظهر ويبدو، ولكن لم يعزله على ذلك ولا عاقبه ولا أرسل يعيب عليه ذلك

“And it appears that Ibn Ziad was cursed and insulted for what he did but he did not sack him nor did he punish him nor did he rebuke him for his actions”
al Bidaya wa al Nihaya Volume 8 page 204

If the argument is Yazeed didn't physically kill Imam Husayn (as) then these Nasibi should know that Pharaoh is deemed the killer of the Israelites even though he only issued the order for boys to be executed and didn't use the sword himself. Irshad al Sari Volume 10 page 171 Bab ul Fitan states clearly that Yazeed was happy at killing Imam Husayn (as) and his disrespect of the family of Rasulullah (s) is a proven fact.

Let us see the comments of the Majid Ali in Bahar Shariat:

'Those who in this day and age state 'who are we to comment on Yazeed and Husayn and that they were both Princes' are cursed, Hell bound individuals.'

Thus, reports which show that Yazeed was very happy at the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) but later altered his opinion and became sad shall not assist the present day Nawasib since the sadness letter expressed by Yazeed was not on account of remorse for his unforgivenable sin but was to a response to the public opinion that had swelled against him. We read in Tarikh Khulfa:
ولما قتل الحسين وبنو أبيه بعث ابن زياد برؤوسهم إلى يزيد فسر بقتلهم أولا ثم ندم لما مقته المسلمون على ذلك وأبغضه الناس وحق لهم أن يبغضوه

“When Hussain and his family were killed, Ibn Ziyad sent their heads to Yazeed. He (Yazeed) was happy with it in the beginning but after that, when the people hated him for that, he then expressed regret but people should indeed have hated him”

The change in emotions was to quell public anger not due some remorse on his part.

Reply Three

Yazeed’s maltreatment of the blessed head of Imam Hussain which had the honor of being kissed by the Holy Prophet (s) shall suffice to evidence Yazeed’s actual reaction at the death of Imam Hussain (as). Imam Ibn Jauzi records in his book Al-Rad ala al-Mutaseb al-Aneed Al-Manee men Zam Yazeed, page 58:
قال ابن ابي الدنيا وثنا سلمة بن شبيب قال ثنا الحميدي عن سفيان قال سمعت سالم بن أبي حفصة يقول قال الحسن جعل يزيد بن معاوية يطعن بالقضيب موضع في رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم واذلاه

Ibn Abi Dunya recorded from Salamah bin Shabib from al-Humaydi from Sufyan from Salim bin Abi Hafsa from Hassan (al-Basri) saying: “Yazeed bin Mu'awyia was prodding with a stick that place kissed by Allah's messenger kissed, how shameful!”.

Al-Hassn al-Basri: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib). Salim bin Abi Hafsa al-Khayat: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Seduq’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib). Sufyan al-Thawri: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib). Abdullah bin al-Zubair al-Humaydi: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib). Salamah bin Shabib: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib). Abdullah ibn Abi Dunya: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Seduq’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib). Hassan al-Basri died in year 109 H and he was 89 years old as its mentioned in Tahdib al-Kamal, which means he was 41 years old when Imam Hussain was martyred. We should also point out that narrator Salim bin Abi Hafsa al-Khayat is not the only narrator to transmit the tradition rather there are three more reliable narrators from the same generation (tabaqa) as of Salim who have narrated the same incident in the same book and in the science of Hadith such a method of determining authentication of a tradition is called Mutab'a which has also been used by the Imam of Salafies Albaani. The three narrators are Imam Muhammad al-Baqar: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib). Khalid bin Yazid al-Saksaki: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib). Layth bin Saad: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah Thabt’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib).

Those who were involved in the murder of Imam Hussain (as) are Kafirs

Since we have proved the involvement of Yazeed (Laeen ibn Laeen) in the murder of Imam Hussain (as), let us now present the edict of one of the legendary Suni Imams, Imam Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Asad al Yameni popularly known as Al-Yaf’ee as recorded by Ibn Emaad al-Hanbali in his authority work Shazarat al-Dahab, Volunme 1 page 68:
قال اليافعي : وأما حكم من قتل الحسين ، أو أمر بقتله ، ممن استحل ذلك فهو كافر

Yaf’ee said: ‘Whoever killed Hussain or gave orders to kill him whilst he deemed it a lawful action, is a Kafir’

Yazeed Killed Imam Hussain (as)-Sunni Sources

Azam Tariq Nasibi stated:


Here we shall cite the following reputable texts of Ahl'ul Sunnah, that confirm that Yazeed killed Imam Husayn (as):

  1. Maqatil Husayn al Khuwarzmi Volume 2 page 80 Chapter 9
  2. Ya Nabi al Mawadah page 223 Chapter 91
  3. Tareekh al Yaqoobi Volume 2 page 299 Dhikr Yazeed
  4. Matallib al Saul Volume 2 page 26
  5. Nur al Absar page 139
  6. Al Bidayah wa al Nihaya page 219 Dhikr 63 Hijri
  7. Tareekh Kamil Volume 4 page 69
  8. Tareekh Tabari page 408 Dhikr Ibn Ziyad
  9. Akhbar al Tawal page 384
  10. Tadkira tul Khawwas page 159
  11. Hayaat al Haywaan Volume 1 page 88
  12. Tareekh Khamees Volume 2 page 301
  13. Sawaiq al Muhriqa page 134
  14. Sharh Fiqh Akbar page 73
  15. Tauhfa Ithna Ashari page 6
  16. Ash Shiaath al Lamaat Volume 4 page 623 Bab Manaqib Quraysh
  17. Shazarat al Dhahab Volume 1 page 69 Dhikr 61 Hijri
  18. Murujh al Dhahab Volume 3 page 71 Dhikr Yazeed
  19. Tafseer Mazhari Volume 5 page 21 Part 13 Surah Ibrahim
  20. Aqaid al Islam pahe 232 ny Maulana Abdul Haqq Haqani
  21. Imam Pak aur Yazeed Paleed page 88
  22. Aqaid Nafsee page 113
  23. Sharh Maqasad Volume 2 page 309
  24. Nuzul al Ibrar page 97
  25. Irfan Shariat Volume 2 page 21
  26. Fatawi Maulana Abdul Hai page 79
  27. Shaheed ai Kerbala pages 11-12 by Mufti Muhammad Shaafi
  28. Irshad al Sari (Sharh Bukhari) Volume 10 page 1717 Bab ul Fitan
  29. Durre Maarif Volume 4 page 295 Dikr Zeyneb binte 'Ali
  30. Sharh al Muneer Sharh al Sagheer Volume 1 page80

We read in Irfan ai Shariat:

"Yazeed tore away a piece of Rasulullah's heart, starving him for three days and then killing him, together with his companions and then he ordered horses to trample his body after his martyrdom, his body was ripped to shreds. Hi head was then placed on a spear, this was a head that Rasulullah (s) would kiss. The head was exhibited at various places, people of the household were arrested and brought before the wicked Yazeed, cursed is he who does not deem such acts as atrocious".

Are all these men, together with the authorities cited at the start including the Grand Sheikh of the Wahabis Ibn Taymiyya, and his successor Ibn Kathir, all SHIAS or influenced by SHIAS??

There must be a medical syndrome for this behaviour....oh yes, it's called pathological liar [also known as Nasibi Syndrome]. Maybe your local Sheikh has symptoms of it.

Yazeed ordered his Governor Waleed kill Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Maqtal Hussain:
وكتب إليه في صحيفة كانها أذن فأرة : أما بعد فخذ حسينا وعبد الله بن عمر وعبد الله بن الزبير بالبيعة أخذاً شديداً ليست فيه رخصة حتى يبايعوا والسلام

Yazeed wrote: ‘Force Hussain, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn al-Zubair to give Baya and don’t spare them’

We also read:
فلما قرأ عليه كتاب يزيد استرجع وترحم عليه ، واستشاره الوليد في الامر وقال كيف ترى ان نصنع ؟ قال : فاني ارى ان تبعث الساعة إلى هؤلاء النفر فتدعوهم إلى البيعة والدخول في الطاعة فان فعلوا قبلت منهم وكففت عنهم ، وان ابوا قدمتهم فضربت اعناقهم

When he (Waleed) read Yazeed's letter for him (Marwan) and did consultation with him in that matter and said: ‘What do you think we shall do?’ He (Marwan) replied: ‘I see to send to them now and ask them to give baya and obey us, if they accept then we will let them go but if they reject you shall arrest them and strike off their heads’

Yazeed wrote to Ibn Ziyad telling him to kill Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Mataalib al Saul that:

"Ibn Ziyad wrote to Husayn 'I have received information that you have arrived in Kerbala, and Yazeed has told me not to kill you, provided you accept his authority and mine.'"

Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti records in Tarikh Khulfa:
فكتب يزيد إلى واليه بالعراق عبيد الله بن زياد بقتاله فوجه إليه جيشا أربعة آلاف عليهم عمر بن سعد بن أبي وقاص

“Yazeed wrote to his governor in Iraq Ubaidllah bin Ziyad ordering him to fight him (Hussain) therefore he (Ibn Ziad) sent an army consisting of four thousand people lead by Umar bin Saad bin Abi Waqas”

Imam Dhahabi records in Siar Alam al-Nubala, Volume 3 page 305:

Muhammad bin al-Dahak narrated from his father that he said: ‘When Hussain marched, Yazeed wrote to his governor Ibn Ziyad saying: ‘Hussain is marching to Kufa and he is a problem of your time not of other times, your state not of other states and you not for the other governors. At that time you might be free or be slaved.’ Therefore Ibn Ziad killed him and sent his head to him (Yazeed).

Ibn Ziyad's own admission that he killed Imam Husayn on the orders of Yazeed

We read in Tarikh Kamil, Volume 4 page 112:
وبعث إلى عبيد الله بن زياد يأمره بالمسير إلى المدينة ومحاصرة ابن الزبير بمكة، فقال: والله لا جمعتهما للفاسق، قتل ابن رسول الله وغزو الكعبة. ثم أرسل إليه يعتذر

"He (Yazeed) wrote to Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad ordering him to march towards Madina and surround Ibn Zubayr in Makka. He (Ibn ziyad) replied: 'I can't give both these things to this Fasiq, after killing the grandson of Rasulullah (s), I'm not now going to assault the Kaaba'.

Notice how Azam Tariq says that Yazeed blamed Ibn Ziyad (his governor in Kufa at the time of the Battle of Karbala) for the killing of Husayn (as). Yet we see here that Ibn Ziyad two years AFTER Karbala is still in a position of authority in Yazeed's government and army. Had Yazeed sincerely wept for Husayn (as) then he would have dismissed and executed Ibn Ziyad for genocide. Indeed Yazeed kept Ibn Ziyad in a position of authority in Yazeed's government, and indeed Ibn Ziyad outlived Yazeed, until Shia rebels killed him during the insurrection of Al Mukhtar to avenge the blood of Imam Husayn (as).

Testimony of Ibn Abbas that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Tareekh Kamil:
فكتب إليه ابن عباس:...وقد قتلت حسيناً وفتيان عبد المطلب مصابيح الهدى ونجوم الأعلام غادرتهم خيولك بأمرك

Ibn Abbas replied to Yazeed’s letter stating: “… You killed Husayn as well as the youth from Banu Abdul Muttalib who were beacons of guidance and famed stars, your troops marched on them at your orders ."

The testimony of Abdullah Ibn Umar that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Maqatil al Husayn:

Ibn Umar wrote to Yazeed, 'Hasn't your heart gone black yet? You murdered the family of the Prophet?'

The Nawasib want to drag the Muslims to hell to face the charge of taking to their heart the man who hurt Muhammad (saws)'s soul more than any other.

Mu'awiya The Second's testimony that his father Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Hayaat al Haywaan:

"When Yazeed was succeeded to the throne by his son Mu'awiya he said in his first sermon 'We are definite about Yazeed's wrongdoing, he killed the family of the Prophet, deemed alcohol halal, and brought pain to the Ka'aba."

This was the testimony of the succeeding khalifa, and Yazeed's own son, Mu'awiya The Second.

Yazeed's own admission that he killed the family of the Prophet (s)

We read in Sharh Fiqh Akbar:

"Following the murder of Husayn, Yazeed said 'I avenged the killing of my kaafir relatives in Badr through killing the family of the Prophet".

The testimony of Shah Abdul Aziz that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Tauhfa:

“When the cruel people of Syria and Iraq upon orders of impure Yazeed and due to the efforts of chief of hatred and fitnah Ibn Ziyad martyred Imam Hussain..”
 Tauhfa Ithna Ashari (Urdu), page 8 Published in Karachi

The testimony of Shah Abdul Haqq that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Ashiath al Lamaath:

"It is unusual that some say Yazeed did not kill Husayn when he instructed Ibn Ziyad to carry out the killing".

The testimony of Imam Dhahabi that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

Now let us cite words of a Sunni Imam whose words cannot be denied by any Nasibi. Imam Dhahabi in his authority work 'Tarikh Islam' Volume 5 page 30 states:
قلت: ولما فعل يزيد بأهل المدينة ما فعل، وقتل الحسين وإخوته وآله، وشرب يزيد الخمر، وارتكب أشياء منكرة، بغضه الناس، وخرج عليه غير واحد، ولم يبارك الله في عمره، فخرج عليه أبو بلال مرداس بن أدية الحنظلي

I say: 'When Yazeed did to the people of Madina what he did and killed al-Hussain and his brothers and progeny, and Yazeed drank alcohol, and performed abominable things, then the people hated him and rose up against him more than once. God didn't bless his life and Abu Bilal Mirdas bin Adya al-Hanzali rose against him.'

The testimony of Ibn Khaldun that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

Now let us cite the testimony of a scholar who despite his known Nasibi tendencies confirmed the fact that it was Yazeed who killed Imam Hussain (as). We read in Al-Muqadima by Ibn Khaldun, page 254:
فلا يجوز نصرة يزيد بقتال الحسين ، بل قتله من فعلات يزيد المؤكدة لفسقه ، والحسين فيها شهيد

“It is impermissible to support Yazeed in the matter of killing Hussain, nay (Hussain's) murder is Yazeed's deed that proves him to be a Fasiq and Hussain a martyr.”

The testimony of Ibn Hazm that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

Athough the 'Nasb' of Imam Ibn Hazm made him to call Yazeed 'Amir ul-Momineen' but despite that he did ackowledge all the evil deeds committed by his Amir al-Momineen:
ويزيد أمير المؤمنين؛ وكان قبيح الآثار في الإسلام؛ قتل أهل المدينة، وأفاضل الناس، وبقية الصحابة -رضي الله عنهم- يوم الحرة، في آخر دولته؛ وقتل الحسين -رضي الله عنه- وأهل بيته في أول دولته؛ وحاصر ابن الزبير -رضي الله عنه- في المسجد الحرام، واستخف بحرمة الكعبة والإسلام؛ فأماته الله في تلك الأيام

"Yazid Amir ul Momineen, was an evil doer in Islam. During the last days of his rule he massacred the people of Madina on the day of Hara. He killed the best of people and the remaining companions (ra). During the initial part of his rule, he killed Husain (ra) and his Ahle Bait. He surrounded Ibn Zubair in Masjid al-Haram. He violated the sanctity of Ka'ba and Islam. And during these days Allah killed him"
Jamharat Ansab al-Arab, page 112

The testimony of Ibn Kathir that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

Let us read the veiws of Ibn Kathir regarding the role of Yazeed in the murder of Imam Hussain. While dicussing the events of 63 H, He stated:
وقد تقدم أنه قتل الحسين وأصحابه على يدي عبيد الله بن زياد‏

"It is already mentioned that he (Yazeed) killed al-Hussain and his companions through Ubaidullah bin Zyad"
 Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8 page 243

The testimony of Qadhi Thanaullah that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

Qadhi Thanaullah Pani Pati Uthmani under the commentary of 24:55 records:

"It is possible that this verse refers to Yazeed bin Muawiyah. Yazeed had martyred the grandson of Holy Prophet (s) and his companions, those companions were actually the members of the Prophet's family.
 Tafseer Mazhari [Urdu], Volume 8 page 268

At another place he stated:

Yazeed and his associates did Kufr with the bounties of Allah. They deemed it their aim to have a grudge against the progeny of the Prophet (s) and murdered Hussain (ra) with oppression and Yazeed did Kufr with the religion of Prophet (s) to the extent that Yazeed recited the following couplets over the murder of Hussain (ra)

'Where are my ancestors, they should come and see that I have take revenge from the progeny of the Prophet and Bani Hashim'.

And the last prose is:

'I would not be from the progeny of Jandab had I not taken revenge from the progeny of Ahmad for whatever they had done.'
 Tafseer Mazhari [Arabic], Volume 5 page 271, commentary of 14:29

Testimony of Qadhi Saleh bin Mahdi al-Maqbali that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

Prominent Mujtahid of era namely Allamah Qadhi Saleh bin Mahdi al-Maqbali (d. 1108) who is much liked by Ahle Hadith/Salafies confirms in his authority work Al-Ilm Al-Shamikh Fi Ethaar Al-Haq Ala Alaba wal Mashaikh, page 367 that it was Yazeed who killed al-Hussain:

“And even more strange is a person who praises Yazeed who reverted from Islam, the one who insulted the honorable people of this Ummah, dishonoring the sanctity of Madina of Messenger (Sale Allah Aleh Wa Aalihi Wasalam), killed Hussain the son of the Prophet and his Ahlulbayt and humiliated them and he treated them in such a manner that even if the enemies of Islam, the Christians were to do the same acts, they might have been more reasonable.”
 Al-Ilm Al-Shamikh Fi Ethaar Al-Haq Ala Alaba wal Mashaikh, page 367

Yazeed's pride at killing Imam Hussain (as)

We read in al Bidayah Volume 8 page 204:

Ibn Asakir in his history book states…. When Husayn's head was brought before Yazeed, he recited the couplets of Ibn Zubayri: 'I wish my ancestors of Badr were here to see the fright of al-Khazraj (tribe) as the spears hit’.

Moreover we read:

Al-Qasim bin Bakhit said: 'When the head of Hussain was placed in front of Yazeed bin Mu'awyia, he started to hit his (Hussain's) teeth with his stick, then he (Yazeed) said: 'His (Hussain's) and my example is same as the saying of Hasain Ibn al-Hamaam al-Mari:
'These swords split the heads of those men who pose harm to us and they were very disobedient and oppressors''.'
 Al-Bidayah wal Nihayah, Volume 8 page 209

सच के लिए शहीद हो गए इमाम हुसैन

इस्लामी कैलेंडर यानी हिजरी वर्ष का पहला महीना है मोहर्रम। इसे इस्लामी इतिहास की सबसे दुखद घटना के लिए भी याद किया जाता है। इसी महीने में 61 हिजरी में यजीद नाम के एक आतताई ने इमाम हुसैन अलैयहिस्सलाम और उनके 72 अनुयाइयों का कत्ल कर दिया था। सिर्फ इसलिए क्योंकि इमाम हुसैन अलैयहिस्सलाम ने यजीद को खलीफा मानने से इनकार कर दिया था। इनकार इसलिए किया था, क्योंकि उनकी नजर में यजीद के लिए इस्लामी मूल्यों की कोई कीमत नहीं थी, जबकि यजीद चाहता था कि वह खलीफा है, इसकी पुष्टि इमाम हुसैन अलैयहिस्सलाम करें। क्योंकि वह हजरत मोहम्मद साहब के नवासे हैं और उनका वहां के लोगों पर काफी अच्छा प्रभाव है।
प्रस्तुति: मज्कूर आलम

यज़ीद के विरूद्ध हज़रत इमाम हुसैन अलैहिस्सलाम का क़ियाम व उसके उद्देश्य

सन्60 हिजरी क़मरी में मुआविया के मरने के बाद उसका बेटा यज़ीद शाम के सिहासन पर बैठा और उसने स्वयं को पैग़म्बर का उत्तराधिकारी घोषित किया। सत्ता पाने के बाद उसने इस्लामी मान्याताओं को बदलने और क़ुरआन के आदेशों का विरोध करने के साथ साथ मानवता विरोधी कार्य करने भी शुरू कर दिये। इमाम हुसैन ने जब यज़ीद को इस्लाम विरोधी कार्य करते देखा तो सन् (61) हिजरी में यज़ीद के विरूद्ध क़ियाम (क़ियाम अर्थात किसी के विरूद्ध संघर्ष करना) किया। हज़रत इमाम हुसैन अलैहिस्सलाम ने अपने क़ियाम के उद्देश्यों को आपने प्रवचनो में इस प्रकार स्पष्ट किया कि----
1— . जब शासकीय यातनाओं से तंग आकर हज़रत इमाम हुसैन अलैहिस्सलाम मदीना छोड़ने पर मजबूर हो गये तो उन्होने अपने क़ियाम के उद्देश्यों को इस प्रकार स्पष्ट किया। “ मैं अपने व्यक्तित्व को चमकाने या सुखमयी जीवन यापन करने या उपद्रव फैलाने के लिए क़ियाम नहीं कर रहा हूँ। बल्कि मैं केवल अपने नाना (पैगम्बरे इस्लाम) की उम्मत (इस्लामी समाज) में सुधार हेतु जा रहा हूँ तथा मेरा निश्चय मनुष्यों को अच्छाईयों की और बुलाना व बुराईयों से रोकना है। मैं अपने नाना पैगम्बर व अपने पिता इमाम अली की शैली पर चलूँगा। ”
2— . एक दूसरे अवसर पर कहा कि “ ऐ अल्लाह तू जानता है कि हम ने जो कुछ किया वह शासकीय शत्रुता या सांसारिक मोहमाया के कारण नहीं किया। बल्कि हमारा उद्देश्य यह है कि तेरे धर्म की निशानियों को यथा स्थान पर पहुँचाए तथा तेरी प्रजा के मध्य सुधार करें ताकि तेरी प्रजा अत्याचारियों से सुरक्षित रह कर तेरे धर्म के सुन्नत व वाजिब आदेशों का पालन कर सके। ”
3— . जब आप की भेंट हुर पुत्र यज़ीदे रिहायी की सेना से हुई तो आपने कहा कि “ ऐ लोगो अगर तुम अल्लाह से डरते हो और हक़ को हक़दार के पास देखना चाहते हो, तो यह कार्य अल्लाह को प्रसन्न करने के लिए बहुत अच्छा है। हम अहलेबैत ख़िलाफ़त पद के, अन्य अत्याचारी व व्याभीचारी दावेदारों की अपेक्षा सबसे अधिक हक़दार हैं। ”
4— . एक अन्य स्थान पर कहा कि हम अहलेबैत शासन के उन लोगों से अधिक हक़दार हैं जो शासन कर रहे है।
. इन चार कथनों में जिन उद्देश्यों की और संकेत किया गया है वह इस प्रकार हैं-------
1- . इस्लामी समाज में सुधार।
2- . जनता को अच्छे कार्य करने का उपदेश।
3- . जनता को बुरे कार्यो से मना करना।
4- . आदरनीय पैगम्बर व आदरनीय अली की कार्य शैली को किर्यान्वित करना।
5- . समाज को शांति व सुरक्षा प्रदान करना।
6- . अल्लाह के आदेशो के पालन हेतु भूमिका तैयार करना।
नोट--यह समस्त उद्देश्य उसी समय प्राप्त हो सकते हैं जब शासन की बाग़ डोर स्वंय इमाम के हाथो में हो जो कि इसके वास्तविक अधिकारी हैं। अतः इमाम ने स्वंय कहा भी है कि शासन हम अहलेबैत का अधिकार है न कि शासन कर रहे उन लोगों का जो अत्याचारी व व्याभीचारी हैं।

इमाम हुसैन अलैहिस्सलाम के क़ियाम के परिणाम

1- . बनी उमैया के वह धार्मिक षड़यन्त्र छिन्न भिन्न हो गये जिनके आधार पर उन्होंने अपनी सत्ता को शक्ति प्रदान की थी।
2- . बनी उमैया के उन शासकों को लज्जित होना पडा जो सदैव इस बात के लिए तत्पर रहते थे कि इस्लाम से पूर्व के मूर्खता पूर्ण प्रबन्धो को क्रियान्वित किया जाये।
3- . कर्बला के मैदान में इमाम हुसैन की शहादत से मुसलमानों के दिलों में यह चेतना जाग्रत हुई कि हमने इमाम हुसैन की सहायता न करके बहुत बड़ा पाप किया है।
इस चेतना से दो चीज़े उभर कर सामने आयीं, एक तो यह कि इमाम की सहायता न करके जो गुनाह (पाप) किया उसका परायश्चित होना चाहिए। दूसरे यह कि जो लोग इमाम की सहायता में बाधक बने थे, उनकी ओर से लोगों के दिलो में घृणा व द्वेष उत्पन्न हो गया।
इस गुनाह के अनुभव की आग लोगों के दिलों में निरन्तर भड़कती चली गयी। तथा बनी उमैया से बदला लेने व अत्याचारी शासन को उखाड़ फेकने की भावना प्रबल होती गयी।
अतः तव्वाबीन नामक समूह ने अपने इसी गुनाह के परायश्चित के लिए क़ियाम किया ताकि इमाम की हत्या का बदला ले सकें।
4- . इमाम हुसैन के क़ियाम ने लोगों के अन्दर अत्याचार का विरोध करने के लिए
प्राण फूँक दिये। इस प्रकार इमाम के क़ियाम व कर्बला के खून ने हर उस बाँध को तोड़ डाला जो इन्क़लाब (क्रान्ति) के मार्ग में बाधक था।
5- . इमाम के क़ियाम ने जनता को यह शिक्षा दी कि कभी भी न किसी के सम्मुख झुको न अपने व्यक्तित्व को बेंचो । शैतानी ताकतों से लड़ो व इस्लामी सिद्धान्तों को क्रियान्वित करने के लिए प्रत्येक चीज़ को नयौछावर कर दो।
6-समाज के अन्दर यह नया दृष्टिकोण पैदा हुआ कि अपमान जनक जीवन से सम्मान जनक मृत्यु श्रेष्ठ है।

Would Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) really want us to punish ourselves for him?!

If you talk to the Sunnis, they ask certain questions about our mourning of Hussein(AS).They ask the following things:

Q.1. Why do we only mourn Hussein(AS) when we believe the other Aimmah(AS) were martyred also?

Q.2. Would Hussein(AS) really want us to punish ourselves for him?

Q.3. Why is mourning Hussein(AS) more important then mourning Rasul-Allah(SAW)?

Answers :

In His Name the Most High,

Answer 1. We do not only mourn and commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), but we also mourn and commemorate the memory of all the other Infallibles (peace be upon them) and hold mourning programmes on their martyrdom anniversaries. However, the reason why we may put greater emphasis on the mourning and weeping for Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) is because our pure Infallibles (peace be upon them) themselves strongly encouraged us to do so.

According to the traditions of the pure Imams (peace be upon them), the tragedy of Karbala is the most tragic event of Islam and for the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them). It has been narrated that Imam al-Hassan al-Mujtaba (peace be upon him) said: “There is no day like your day, O’ Aba Abdullah” (al-Amali by Saduq, p. 177).  It has also been narrated that Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: “There is no tragedy like ours at Karbala“(al-Hidayah al-Kubra by al-Khusaibi, p. 417), which means that the day of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) is the most calamitous of all days for Aal Muhammad (peace be upon them).

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his pure family) was in fact the first individual who held a mourning Majlis for Imam Hussain (peace be upon him). This fact is reported by authentic Sunni resources.

Ammul Fadl bint al-Harith narrated that she took Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) to the Prophet and put him on his lap. The Prophet’s (peace be upon him and his pure family) gaze turned away from her and his both eyes were flowing with tears. She said: “(May I ransom you) with my father and mother Apostle of God, what is the matter with you? ‘Gabriel, peace be on him, came to me’ he said. ‘He told me that my community will seek to kill this son of mine and he brought me dust made red by his (blood)."
  (This was reported by: al-Hakim al-Nisaburi in Al-Mustadrak alaa Al-Sahihain 176 / 3, al-Hafidh al-Bayhaqi in Dalael al-Nubouwa, al-Hafidh ibn Asakir in Tarikh al-Sham and al-Hafidh bin al-Khawarizmi 1 / 158 – 162)

Therefore, we follow the example of the holy Prophet and his pure family in mourning Imam Hussain (peace be upon them all).

Answer 2. We do not punish ourselves in any shape or form when we mourn and commemorate the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him). This is an incorrect interpretation of the essence of al-Sha’aer al-Hussainiyah (The mourning rituals of Imam Hussain peace be upon him). When we practice the mourning rituals of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) such as beating the chest (known as, al-Latm or Seeneh-Zani) or wounding the top of the head with a sword (known as, al-Tatbir, Qameh-Zani or Teegh-Zani), we try to recognise and feel some of the pain our master Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) had felt.

We were in fact recommended by the pure Infallibles to practice such rituals, as they ordered us to perform ‘Muwasat’ for Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), which means imitating and sharing some of his pain. 

Similarly, we find that Allah the Most Exalted has made the Muwasat for Lady Hajar (peace be upon her) among the rituals of Hajj and Umra; as all Muslims are ordered to perform Sa’i between Safa and Marwa to commemorate and share some of the pain and difficulties Lady Hajar went through when she ran back and forth between the two hills (Safa and Marwa) seven times in search of water for her infant Isma’il (peace be upon him). So do we really punish ourselves when we perform Sa’i?!

Therefore, when we mourn, beat our chests and wound the top of our heads upon the loss of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), we try to imitate and share some of his pain, and this is among the core teachings of our pure Imams (peace be upon them). As it has been narrated that imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: “The family of Fatima (peace be upon her) tore off their collars and slapped their cheeks upon the loss of Hussain son of Ali (peace be upon them), upon the likes of Hussain, cheeks must [certainly] be slapped and collars must be torn” (Wasa’il al-Shia by Al-Hurr al-`Amili, Vol. 15, p. 583).

It is ironic to see the opponents of Ahlulbayt attacking and ridiculing the mourning rituals of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) and falsely claiming that these practices are nothing but Bid’ah; when it has not only been reported in their own books that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his pure family) performed Latm but also threw dust on his head and beard upon the martyrdom of his grandson!

Narrated Salma: "I went to visit Umm Salamah and found her weeping. I asked her what was making her weep and she replied that she had seen Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) (in a dream) with dust on his head and beard. She asked him what was the matter and he replied, `I have just been present at the slaying of al-Hussain.'”

Sunni References:
 al-Tarikh al-Kabir by al-Bukhari vol. 3 p. 324, Sunan al-Tirmidhi vol. 5 p. 323, al-Mu’jam al-Kabir by al-Tabarani vol. 23 p. 373, Mustadrak al-Hakim vol. 4 p. 19.

Furthermore, the opponents of Ahlulbayt might be unaware that their mother Aisha herself claimed that she slapped her face and beat her chest upon the loss of the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his pure family)

Al-Thahabi reported that she said: “I got up weeping, beating my chest and slapping my face along with the women". 
 (Tarikh al-Islam by al-Thahabi vol. 1, p.154) 

So why do the opponents of Ahlulbayt not attack their mother Aisha for indulging in such a Bid’ah?!

In fact, mourning the martyrdom of the holy Prophets and Imams (peace be upon them) by beating the chest is a permissible act; it washes one’s sins away, strengthens his faith and keeps him ever closer to the religion and its symbols; as Imam al-Ridha (peace be upon him) said: “Those who weep should weep over the likes of Hussain (peace be upon him) for surely, weeping over him does away with one's great sins” (al-Amali by al-Saduq, p. 190).

Answer 3. The answer has already been provided in Answer 1.

Misconception about shias and Muharrum

The general public of Muslims say that the Shia of Iraq killed Imam Hussain and that's why they do not stop crying and beating themselves
Question :

The general public of the Moslem world say that we the Shia, especially the ones in Iraq, killed our Imam, Imam Al Hussain peace be upon him and now that we regret it, we never stop crying and beating ourselves for failing to support him or maybe for our crime of murdering him and his family and companions.
Answer :

In His Name the Most High,

This is really a silly idea that is widely circulating in the hearts and minds of many people especially with the so called Ahlul- Sunna Wal Jammaa in the middle east and elsewhere.

Ok! If we want to use the same naïve basis of forming decisions and perceptions that they use, we can say that you people of Mecca, Hejaz and Arabian Peninsula fought against the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and then killed his uncle Hamza (peace be upon him), but they will say it was not us, it was our disbelieving ancestors who did this and we believe in the message of Islam so you cannot blame us.

Ok! We can also say in the same context that you people were the ones who did a runner and fled during the battles of Ahud and Hunayn, and left the Prophet (peace be upon him and family) on his own with few faithful ones around him and you caused his injuries and allowed his blessed blood to drench his beard, they would say but it was not us, it was some Sahaba who did so and those Sahaba (i.e. companions) showed remorse for their shameful action of retreat later on.

But we can add that they are the ones you refer to, they are your heroes and role models, they might, just might say in return, we did not attend those battles and those retreating fleeing ones were wrong to do so.
And as such we can confidently say that we did not kill Imam Al Hussain (peace be upon him), but the ones who participated in that atrocious crime were you, the Nawasib - the Shia of Bani Umayyah, and it is still you because you are loyal and committed to those olden Nasibi characters.

They might say that some of you people are the descendents of those criminals, we can safely reply that if some of us are traced by blood relation to those people, then we do Bara’a from them (i.e. we shun and disassociate ourselves from them) and curse them and their deeds, but you will not dare and do the same Bara’a and send your la’anat against those who fled and allowed the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) to get severely wounded,  we dare you?

It is ok for the prophet that you claim you love to bleed and get injured due to the fleeing of many of your beloved Sahaba,  you would rather get the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) get pain and harm and not to say that you perform Bara’a from those who allowed that to happen.

My God,  we wonder sometimes; who is your prophet? Is he Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family)? Or is he Umar?

Looking at the prayers performed with crossing hands over each other, dropping Haya ala Khair al a’Amal from the Adhan (i.e. Call to prayer), adding Hebrew language to your prayers by saying “amen”, doing your Taraweeh in the month of Ramadan, jumping straight up to stand after Sujood (i.e. prostration in prayer) without pausing, washing your feet and legs up to your knees in Wuthou (i.e. ablution performed in preparation for prayers) and not to mention, this finger pointing during and while half way in the prayer ritual,  we do wonder who is your prophet?  Or who are your prophets?

We have also given a detailed reply to this question in many of our previous posts.

معاویہ ، قاتل امام حسن علیہ السلام

قدیم مورخ ابوزید احمد بن سہل بلخی اپنی کتاب میں لکھتے ہیں

معاویہ نے جعدہ بنت اشعت بن قیس سے خفیہ سازش کی کہ اگر وہ امام حسن علیہ السلام کو زھر دے کر شہید کر دے تو وہ اس کا نکاح یزید کے ساتھ کر دے گا جب جعدہ نے معاویہ کے ایما پر امام حسن علیہ السلام کو زھر دغا سے شہید کر دیا تو معاویہ نے ایک لاکھ درھم دے کر جعدہ سے کہا کہ یزید ہمیں عزیز ہے ، کیسے گوارا کیا جا سکتا ہے کہ جو فرزند رسول (ع) کے لئے ہو وہی اس کے لئے ہو

کتاب البدء و التاریخ // بلخی// ص 238// طبع بیروت

Original Sunni Reference: 

قاتلان امام حسین علیہ السلام

ناصبی اپنے روحانی باپ یزید ابن معاویہ ابن ھند کو بچانے کے لیے اور روز اول سے یزید کی بے گناہی ثابت کرنے کے لیے تمام تر وسائل استعمال کر رہے ہیں کہ یزید قاتل امام حسین علیہ السلام نہیں ہے بلکہ شیعہ قاتل امام حسین علیہ السلام ہیں اور اپنے جھوٹے استدلال کو ثابت کرنے کے لیے مختلف شیعہ کتب کے حوالہ جات استعمال کرتے ہیں
یزید ملعون ابن ملعون تھا اور ہے جس نے اپنے اباواجداد کی طرح بغض محمد و آل محمد میں نواسہ رسول (ص) کو شہید کیا

سب سے پہلے امام حسین (ع) کے کچھ مخصوص قاتلین اور معاونین یزید کا ذکر کرنا چاہوں گا جن کی تفصیل بعد میں پوسٹ کی جائے گی

یزید - صحابی رسول معاویہ ابن ھند کا بیٹا
عمر ابن سعد - صحابی رسول سعدبن ابی وقاص کا بیٹا

ابن ذیاد - معاویہ ابن ھند کا بھائی اور صحابی رسول سفیان کا بیٹا

محمد بن اشعث - خلیفہ اول ابوبکر کا بھانجا

انس بن مالک - صحابی رسول

سلمان بن صرد - صحابی رسول

ابن عمر - خلیفہ عمر ابن خطاب کا بیٹا

شداد مولا عثمان - خلیفہ عثمان کا خادم

شمر - صحابی رسول ذی الجوشن کا بیٹا

قاضی شریح
حارث بن یزید کوفی - راوی صحاح ستہ

حصین بن نمیر - راوی صحاح ستہ

شیعث بن ربعی - راوی ابوداود و نسائی
زید بن حارث بدری - راوی صحاح ستہ