Imam Husain(A.S.)-The Chief of Martyrs
The site is dedicated to the pure soul of Imam Husain(a.s).
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Was Imam Hussain(as) justly killed???
According to Wahabis Imam Hussain (as) was justly killed by their Imam Yazeed [la] Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Abdullah ibn al-Arabi al-Malik...
Yazeed was a homosexual !
Regarding the sixth caliph of Nawasib, Imam Dhahabi records the following words from the sermon of Abdul Malik bin Marwan the seventh ca...
Sunni Scholars took Hadiths from Shimr!!(Killers of Imam Hussain(as))!!
شمر ذی الجوشن مشہور و معروف تابعی اور اہل ِسنت کے عالم ِدین جناب ابو اسحاق السبیعی (المتوفی 129 ھ) کے لئے شمر کی ذات دینی معلومات حا...
سب و شتم کی شرعی سزا
ذیل کی دو چیزوں میں فرق کیجئے: اسلامی شریعت میں کسی بھی شخص پر سب و شتم کرنا حرام و کبیرہ گناہ ہے۔ مگر لعنت و تبرا عین اسلا...
Aise Hote hai Yazeed Parest Maulvi!!
See how this Aalim is mocking Crying of Shias on Imam Husain(a.s)!!
Nahi hai Balke Ek Sawal hai !!
Why Yazid asked Bayat from Imam Hussain(a.s)??
Comparison Between the Conditions of Imam Hasan(A.S.) and the Conditions of Imam Husayn(A.S.)
Many people think that the Hashimite pride, which always resulted from honorable attitudes, was more appropriate for the attitude of al H...
What is the Sunnis' attitude in regard to the revolution of Imam Husayn(a.s.)?
Every body recognizes the high rank of Imam Husayn (a.s.).His grandfather is the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)was alway...
What the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) Said Regarding Yazid
Having seen Yazid’s perversities cited by prominent Sunni authorities, let us now look at the contents of the Traditions of the Prophet (...
What Yazid did as a Ruler
In brief, these acts are narrated by Sheikh Abdallah S. Farsy, on pages 29 to 41, and they are as follows : 1. He ordered his Governor of...
Installation of Yazid as Ruler
Before Yazid’s reign in 60 A.H., his father, Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan, ruled over the Muslims. Both, the father and the grandfather, accept...
Who are Shiites??-A Speech from Hassnain RajabAli
Who was Ziyad? Was he a Shia of Ali??
Ziyad was a very intelligent man, a good politician, wise and a shia of Alee (a.s) , who made him a governor in Fars. When Muawiya joine...
The Uthmaani Shi'ee cursed Ali and used to loudly speak it on pulpits and elsewhere.
Source: Minhaj Al-Sunnah Vol 6, Pg. # 201 Muawiyah Paves The Way During this reign of Muawiya's (l.a) he appointed ...
The Analysis Of Kufah
In order to understand the political, social and economical situation of Kufa prior to the event of Karbalah one needs to delve into the...
Truth Behind Karbalah Part I
The enemy's of Ahlulbayt (a.s) have perpetuated lies that the Shi'ee had been responsible for the tragedy that transpired in Kar...
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