
The Uthmaani Shi'ee cursed Ali and used to loudly speak it on pulpits and elsewhere.

Source: Minhaj Al-Sunnah Vol 6, Pg. # 201

Muawiyah Paves The Way

During this reign of Muawiya's (l.a) he appointed Ziyad Ibn Sumaya (l.a) in charge of Kufah and surrounding areas. In this period and even before many loyal supporters of Ahlulbayt (a.s) were systematically murdered. Before Muawiyah's (la) passed away he had appointed his son Yazid (la) as his successor. Yazid (la) followed in the lines of his cursed father and now had appointed the son of Ziyad Ibn Sumaya known as Ibn Ziyad (la) to take his demonic position

إذ لجأ بنو أمية إلى الفتك بمحبي أهل البيت وإذلالهم. فقتلوا حجر بن عدي صبراً في عهد معاوية لأنه أنكر سب علي على المنابر

“The Umayyad's killed and humiliated the lovers of Ahlulbayt (a.s), and ruthlessly killed Hujr bin Adi  during Muawiyah's reign on account of his criticism of their act of cursing Imam Alee (a.s) from the pulpits”

Source: Hasan bin Farhan al-Maliki ‘Qeraah fi Kutub al-Aqaed’, Pg. #  170 

"Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad was with Alee (r.a), Imam Alee (r.a) used him in some duties, until Alee (r.a)  was killed and Hasan (a.s) gave the government to Muawiya, then Muawiya joined Ziyad to himself and gave him the government of two iraqs (Kufa and Basra), he was governor untill he died"

Source: Al-Istiab Vol 2, Pg. # 524

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