
Yazeed: a killer of sahaba and a thief:- Ahmad bin Hanbal (sahih sanad)

We find in al-sunnah by al khalal that he mentioned with a sahih chain from Ahmad bin Hanbal  who said
أخبرني محمد بن علي قال ثنا مهنى قال سألت أحمد عن يزيد بن معاوية بن أبي سفيان قال هو فعل بالمدينة ما فعل قلت وما فعل قال قتل بالمدينة من أصحاب النبي وفعل قلت وما فعل قال نهبها قلت فيذكر عنه الحديث قال لا يذكر عنه الحديث ولا ينبغي لأحد أن يكتب عنه حديثا قلت لأحمد ومن كان معه بالمدينة حين فعل ما فعل قال أهل الشام قلت له وأهل مصر قال لا إنما كان أهل مصر معهم في أمر عثمان رحمه الله

narrator asked ahmed bin hanbal about yazeed ibn mawia and he replied : he did to madina what he did , so i asked : and what did he do ? he  said : he killed in madina from companions of rasool Allah and did other things ,so i asked him : what did he do ; so he said : robbed it , so i said : can hadith be narrated from him so he answered : hadith must not be narrated from him and nobody should write his hadith . so i asked ahmed : and who was with him when he did in madina what he did ? he said : people of syria so i said : what about people of egypt? he said :people of Egypt were with them in matter of uthman
[kitab-us-sunnah, vol 3, page 520]
researcher of the book, atiya zehrani termed it
“isnaad sahih”
scans can be seen here

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