
Kufan betrayal of Hussain VS Sunni betrayal of Uthman

Nasibies are doing non stop propaganda that People of Kufa (i.e. Shias) were disloyal to Hussain and Hussain was killed due to them (This is a false accusation upon Shias and please read the reality in this Article). 
It is time to show Nasibies the Mirror. 

Betrayal of Sahaba of Madina: They were Disloyal & Coward (i.e. Nasibi Taqayyah) & Killers of Uthman

If Uthman was on Haq (right path), then there is no more Disloyalty & Cowardice that he was killed in the presence of thousands of Sahaba & Tabaeen of Madina. 
Now Nasibies are welcome to comment upon the Bravery & Loyalty of these thousands of Sahaba & Tabaeen of Madina.
[Note: For us, Uthman was absolutely not on right path, and it were these Sahaba & Tabaeen themselves who killed Uthman. But Nasibies don't accept it, so let them answer how then Uthman was murdered in presence of thousands of these Sahaba & Tabaeen of Madina.]

Uthman's Dead Body was left to rot for 3 days before buried in Jewish Graveyard

Nasibies claim that Sahaba & Tabaeen of Madina were loyal to Uthman. 
But it is enough to see how Uthman was left to rot by these Sahaba & Tabaeen in order to refute the Nasibi claim.
We are presenting all of the following Traditions from "History of Tabari" (Enlish Edition, Volume 15, Incidents of Year 35 Hijri), translated by Stephen Humphreys (University of Winsconsin, Madison), published by State University of New York Press. 
Image: Cover Page of Book
Image: Page 246
Image: Page 247
Image: Page 248
Image: Page 249
These same traditions have also been mentioned by Ibn Kathir in his Al-badaya wa Al-Nahaya. 

First Tradition

(Page 246)

It was related to me by ]a'far b. 'Abdallah al-Muharnmadi—'Amr b. Hammad and 'Ali b. Husayn-Husayn b. ‘lsa—his father-—Abu
Maymunah—Abu Bashir al-'Abidi:
'Uthman’s corpse} was thrown aside and left unburied for three days. Then Hakim bin Hizam al-Qurashi, who was a member of the clan of Asad b. ‘Abd al-'Uzza, and Jubayr b. Mut'im b. 'Adi b. Nawfal b. ‘Abd Manaf spoke to 'Ali about his burial, seeking his permission for ['Uthman’s) family to see to that. 'Ali granted them his permis-sion but when news of this spread people lay in wait for ['Uthman’s body] by the road, armed with stones. A few members of his family set out with |his body], intending to take him to an enclosure in Medina named Hashsh Kawkab, where the Jews used
to bury their dead. Now when ['Uthman's body] was brought out before the people, they stoned his bier and were bent on throwing him to the ground. When 'Ali hear that, he sent and demanded that they leave him alone. They did so, and ['Uthman’s body] was hurried along and interred in Hashsh Kawkab. When Mu‘awiyah b. Abi Sufyan gained supremacy over the Muslims (al-nas], he ordered that enclosure to be razed and transferred [‘Uthman’s body to al-Baqi'. Then he commanded the people to bury their dead around his grave, until ultimately (those graves] adjoined the cemetery of the Muslims.

Questions to Nasibies:

  •  Ali, Talha, Zubair, Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain,........ and a lot of other Sahaba hundreds of other Tabaeen were present in Madiana and it's surroundings.
    Tell us, what were they doing FOR THE COMPLETE 3 DAYS (i.e. Uthman's funeral was not burried for complete 3 days)?
  • People stoned the body of Hadhrat Uthman, broke his ribs, didn't let him washed (for burrial), didn't offered his funeral prayer (except for 5-6 of his relatives/slaves),..... could Nasibies tell us what those thousands of Sahaba and Taba'een of Madina did in order to protect Uthman?

Second Tradition:

Page 247
It was related to me by Ja'far—'Amr and ‘Ali—Husayn—his father—al-Mujalid b. Sa'id —Yasaar b. Abi Karib—his father Abu Karib, who had been an official in charge of ‘Uthman's treasury:
'Uthman was buried at twilight. Only Marwan b. al-Hakam, three of his free men, an his fifth daughter were present at his funeral. His daughter wailed in mourning and raised Her voice in lament for him. The people took stones and hooted "Long-bearded old idiot [i.e. Nathal]! She was nearly stoned. Then they said, "(Go to] the compotmd, the compound." And thus he was interred in a compound outside [Medina].


  • It was 'Aisha bit Abi Bakr (the Mother of Believers) who started saying "Nathal" (old fool) to 'Uthman bin 'Affan. And these People, who are stoning/dragging Uthman's dead body, they are only following 'Aisha bint Abi Bakr. Therefore, 'Uthman was killed in fire which was ignited by 'Aisha bint Abi Bakr. 

Third Tradition:

Page 248
According to Muhammad (al-Waqidi}—‘Abdallah b. Yazid al-Hudhali—'Abdallah b. Sa‘idah:
For two nights after he was killed, 'Uthman remained [where he had fallen] and they were unable to bury him. Then four men bore [his body] away-——Hakim b. Hizam, Jubayr b. Mut‘im, Niyar b. Mukram, and Abu Jahm b. Hudhayfah. When he was laid down so that the funeral prayer could be per-
formed for him, a band of the Helpers (Ansaar of Madina i.e. Sahaba and Tabaeen) came and  forbade them to perform the prayer. These included
Aslam b. Aws b. Bajrah al-Saa'idi and Abu Hayyah al-Mazini among several others. They forbade (‘Uthman's supporters) to bury him at al-Baqi‘....
So they buried him in Hashsh Kawkab. When the Banu Umayyah reigned, they had that garden included in al-Baqi', and it is today the cemetery of the Banu Umayyah.


  • Just see it were HELPERS (i.e. Residents of Madina), who consisted of Sahaba as well as Taba'een who forbade them to offer Funeral Prayer at that place.
  • And then these were the same Ansaar Sahaba and Taba'een who forbade that 'Uthman is burried in Muslim Graveyard.
  • And due to them 'Uthman was not even burried in Muslim Graveyard but in Jewish Graveyard.
Question for Nasibies is to tell us where were their Super Man like Hero Sahabas and Tabaeen from Madina and all the surroundings while 'Uthman's dead body left unburried for complete 3 days?

Fourth Tradition

Page 248
According to Muhammad (al-Waqidi)—‘Abdallah b. Musa al-Makhzumi:
When 'Uthman was killed, (his assassins) tried to cut off his head, but Na'ilah and Umm al-Banin fell upon him and stopped them. The two women screamed and beat [their] faces and rent their clothing. In the face of this, Ibn 'Udays said, "Leave him." And thus 'Uthman, his corpse still unwashed, was taken out and brougt to al-Baqi'. [The mourners] wanted to perform the funeral prayer for him in the place set aside for funerals, but the Helpers (Ansaar i.e. Sahaba and Tabaeen) refused (to allow that). 'Umayr bin Dhabi' appeared while 'Uthman was stretched out upon a door. 'Umayr jumped 0n him and broke one of his ribs, saying, “You left Dhabi’ in prison until he died there."

Fifth Tradition

Page 249
It was related to me by al-Harith—Ibn Sa°d—Abu Bakr b. ‘Abdallah b. Abi Uways—his grandfather’s paternal uncle, al-Rabi‘ b. Malik b. Abi 'Amir—(Al-Rabi's) father:
I was one 0f 'Uthmarfs pallbearers when he was killed. We carried him upon a door, and his head was bumping up and down on the door because
we were walking so fast. We wer possessed with fear until we interred him in his grave in Hashsh Kawkab.

Sixth Tradition:

We are citing from the following esteemed Sunni works:
1. Majma al-Zawaed, by Haythami, Volume 9, page 95
2. Al-Muj'am al-Kabir by Tabarani, Volume 1, page 79
3. Al-Istiab, by Ibn Abdulbar, Volume 3, page 1048

We read in Majma al-Zawaid:
وعن ملك يعني ابن انس قال قتل عثمان فأقام مطروحا على كناسة بني فلان ثلاثا

Malik bin Anas said: When Uthman was killed, his body was thrown in garbage for three days.

Imam Abi Bakar Al-Haythami said:‘The narrators are reliable’.
Moreover we read in Al-Istiab:
عن مالك قال لما قتل عثمان رضي الله عنه ألقى على المزبلة ثلاثة أيام

Malik said: ‘When Uthman [ra] was killed, they threw him in the garbage for three days’

How many Sahaba & Tabaeen offered Funeral Prayer for 'Uthman?

There were thausands of Sahaba & Tabaeen in Madina. 
But at end, there were only 5 people from Bani Ummiyyah who offered funeral prayer (proofs are present in traditions above). 
If really all the Sahaba & Tabaeen were in favour of 'Uthman, then not attending his funeral was the beginning of their cowardice (in Nasibies terminology "Taqqyyah") .... and the PEAK of their Cowardice/Disloyalty & Munafiqat (hypocracy) was when Talha & Zubair swore in name of Allah and gave oath of allegiance to 'Ali .... but as soon as they got the chance, they RAN away to Mecca and broke their allegiance.

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