
Ibn Umar: follower of Yazeed- authentic narration

let us see how staunch a follower he was,we find in musnad ahmad

“nafi’i says that when people broke the oath of yazeed bin mawia; ibn umar collected his family and sons; recited two testimonies; and then said: we made oath to this man in the name of allah and his prophet asws; and i heard holy prophet asws saying that for every cheat there will be a flag on the day of qayamat; and it will be said that this is the cheating of that man; and the greatest cheating after shirk is that one does oath in name of allah and his prophet asws and then break it; so none of you should break the oath of yazeed and should not look into caliphate; otherwise there will be no relation between me and him”

Reference : [musnad ahmad, urdu, vol 3, page 157-158]
Sheikh shoaib says isnaad sahih on condition of sheikhain [9/104-105/5088]

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